Example sentences of "they do not [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The force with which the judges made their case for Second Empire can be explained by assuming that they felt that if they did not strongly press for this form of building , another , and less welcome style in their eyes , would be adopted .
2 According to Richards , therefore , critics need two things that they did not habitually possess at the time he was writing , and usually do not possess now : a theory of communication and a theory of valuation .
3 They did not simply speak of the human Jesus of Nazareth and of the relation of persons to him as a human .
4 They did not simply react in a uniform manner to the experience of heat .
5 They did not yet belong to our world and they certainly belonged to no other .
6 They recognized that a return to the Carolingian situation , in which , in theory at least , all free men were bound by oaths of loyalty to the crown , was an unrealistic aspiration ; and they did not even succeed in asserting their lordship over all French rear-vassals , on the lines suggested by Suger .
7 In the living room they did not even look under the cushions .
8 They did not always meet with success , however ; Parker 's clergy , for example , refused to sign the address .
9 They did not often fish for them deliberately , for a coelacanth fights hard when it is hooked and a man might have to struggle with one of them for many hours before it could be hauled on board his canoe .
10 Each contributed much , but they did not often speak to each other , and indeed almost literally could not speak to each other .
11 They did not really want to be mutineers , but they were afraid of Tom Smith .
12 Perhaps they did not really believe in them — or did they ?
13 They went out from us but they did not really belong to us , for if they had belonged to us they would have remained with us but their going showed that none of them belong to us .
14 Twenty years ago people argued about definitions but they did not really disagree about a system of values which centred the individual 's worth in a family context and saw counselling as the social worker 's core skill .
15 The district which was due to take over the funding is now claiming that some of the people who are now living in the special units attached to old people 's homes are not their responsibility They did not originally come from their districts and so they are refusing to pay some of the finance over .
16 Already , too , one may see the start of a symbiotic relationship in which France would increasingly depend upon American resources to achieve purposes which , left to herself , would be beyond her , while American objectives , although they did not entirely coincide with the French and for all the power which they would ultimately deploy , had to include France as a frail but , for the moment , indispensable means by which they might be attained .
17 Mr Whitney-Long 's evidence on this aspect was unsatisfactory : indeed the weight of his evidence in cross-examination was that they did not so rely in any material way but relied on other matters .
18 I really genuinely thought I was speaking for everyone , but they would now say they did n't particularly agree with me .
19 There were bed-baths and nurses — nurses who if they did n't yet seem to be bursting out of their brassieres , were certainly stretching their blouses to danger point .
20 They did n't just go in twenty three years ago as somebody suggested .
21 They did n't even bother with the formality of retiring to consider the case .
22 The German 's rates differed from girl to girl , and with some he had an arrangement that he received a commission rather than a rent per room ; the advantage here for the girls was that they could pay him at the end of the night , rather than each time they used the room And to ensure they did n't even think about cheating , he employed a " caretaker " whose job was to keep a tally of the girls and their customers .
23 They did n't even speak to me , ’ he said .
24 They did n't even glance at each other when greeted by traditional musicians dressed in 14th-Century attire , and their suite at the Seoul Hyatt Hotel has two bedrooms .
25 They did n't even know about nomes !
26 Had they all in fact something to escape from , perhaps something they did n't even acknowledge to themselves ?
27 They did n't even need to be shown how high you could climb , how bravely you could wrestle .
28 Unless they did n't actually happen in September .
29 They did n't usually speak to her , only about her .
30 But they did n't say they did n't ever want to ever drive a car again .
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