Example sentences of "they have be [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If they 'd been traced back to here , it would have been your responsibility . ’
2 ‘ It 's A Game ’ , ‘ Money Honey ’ , ‘ Shang A Lang ’ and , um , a lot of padding from the Rollers ' post ‘ 77 career after they 'd been shot down in flames , plucked , shucked , gutted , roasted , eaten , shat out and buggered in the back of the neck and then locked in the attic with Mad Auntie Maude from Nottingham for two weeks by the ultimate manufactured band , the Sex Pistols .
3 So they 'd been sent down into the rock no doubt still with orders to draw blood from the air .
4 I had a feeling they 'd been blocked off by the malais and had n't been able to go by the quickest route they wanted .
5 They felt as if they 'd been scoured out with a Brillo pad .
6 They 'd been living together for many years .
7 But today they contacted their colleagues in Oxford to say they 'd been held up by blizzards .
8 It was as if they 'd been ordered not to be taken alive . ’
9 They make the poor girls look as though they had n't been properly unpacked , as though they 'd been taken out of the box and someone had left half their wrappings on . ’
10 I learnt by various devious means , ’ and here he winked at her , ‘ that they 'd been taken out by someone in the section that deals with the interrogation of defectors from the Soviet Union .
11 They might just possibly have been able to find the morning 's path if they 'd been starting again from the road , but tracking backwards was incredibly difficult .
12 Erm I think they thought they 'd been let down at the end of it .
13 Erm yes , they er , they felt they 'd been let down by the Railway men , I think , or someone else at the beginning at the Strike , and they were out on a limb but er they 'd got to make the best of it .
14 Even if they 'd been sitting down to breakfast with a headless horseman . ’
15 They 'd been caught up in gunfire at home in Beirut , which left them paralysed .
16 Davide threw himself on it to stop her pulling it off altogether with the bowl of fruit and the jug of water and glasses with it ; so they grappled , and in the contact something gave way , melted within them both and they clung together , aching in their heads and their bones as if they 'd been caught out on the mountains in the winter and been chilled to the marrow .
17 Yes that , I think that 's possibly true , er , I was talking to Cambridge there about oh fifteen , twenty minutes ago and they said it was raining with them , and then they 'd been talking over to somebody over in Coventry and it 's , it 's snowing there
18 Like the ‘ Mef if they 'd been brought up in a Yorkshire pit village instead of some jessified ‘ forest ’ , but with scurrilous standing in for the keyboards , ‘ V ’ are an untutored Stooges. that 's the Three Stooges , mind .
19 It was n't the same corridor : it was narrower than the one they 'd been carried along on the transporter .
20 Yeah well at the end of the day I mean I I was n't there but a the facts at the end of the day were that they 'd been buggering about with that radio system which they should n't do .
21 He had a feeling that they 'd been waiting right from the start of the trip .
22 Er , although they 've been moving around with me , but er they did very well in their studies in the end .
23 Cos they 've been building up like that and they 're bound to fall down .
24 This partly explains why they 've been struggling on for around six years now , but is no excuse in the current climate for them not gaining some long overdue recognition .
25 Remember the the boat 's been filling with water , they 've been bailing out in desperation , after they 'd done everything that they can do they then turn round and said , Lord , do n't you care we 're gon na drown ?
26 Although these are ‘ laboratory ’ specimens , they 've been kicking around for about six months and I 'd expect them to be detected quickly .
27 They 've been hunting here for 150 years .
28 But the deputies believe they 've been singled out as a obstacle to producing cheaper coal in Britain 's pits , in the run up to privatization .
29 you know , I mean they were so good when they came here but I mean they 've been shut in for months now !
30 We also did a very important er , technology transfer to Czechoslovakia , which er , unsubmersible pump neck technology and that 's tended to , to erm , hide a slight delcl er decline in the last quarter of the year , normally in oil most of the profit or more of the profit comes in the second half than the first , but with the Gulf War last year oil prices were pretty firm and er , so we 've made er , quite reasonable profits in the , in the er , first half and so too in the second half , but in the last quarter they 've been showed up by that technology er , transfer and the er , U S oil price is er , is , is er stag the U K's is stagnant , the U S is stagnant in oil and the gas prices are very , very far down , they 're well down .
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