Example sentences of "they have [adv] be [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 They 'd all been made by small independent producers from Gloucestershire , Herefordshire , Worcestershire , Shropshire and Devon .
2 Lest the childless or single feel left out by the cosy umbrella of ‘ Parents For Safe Food ’ ' however , they 've lately been acknowledged by the incorporation of the words ‘ And Others ’ in the organisation 's title .
3 " No , I was not : I 'm not a member of the South Tipperary Brigade , but I heard the details from one of the lads there , and they 've since been confirmed by the Big Fellow himself . "
4 Inevitably , though , some people missed the point entirely and as a result they 've often been tarred by the indiscriminate brush of ‘ gothic rock ’ .
5 It was amazing they had n't been invaded by detectives and policemen already .
6 On investigation , it was apparent that the claimant had been unaware of the regulations in this respect , and they had also been overlooked by the supervisor and administrative assistant who were involved in processing the claim .
7 I 'm not sure whether the change in areas was the reason for the last flurry or whether they had just been triggered by instinct and gone on the feed .
8 Several weeks before reunification , Bundeswehr units started taking over former NVA bases and re-training NVA soldiers , before quietly slipping into West Berlin , from where they had previously been banned by the 1969 Four Power agreement .
9 They had evidently been sent by Judith : she had been in control of the treasure they brought with them , and , interestingly , of Charles 's regalia .
10 Although the borders had officially been closed on May 2 , 1989 , they had since been crossed by large numbers of Somali refugees , some of whom were now returning home .
11 The crew , themselves , felt that they had already been changed by the experience and some were a little anxious about the future .
12 About three-quarters of pupils in the lowest third knew how many days there are in certain months , although a number of pupils when interviewed said they had not been taught by their parents or at school any way of remembering the number of days in the months .
13 But they had not been destroyed by the explosion : bewilderingly , their bodies were found in the garden some distance from the house , and they had obviously been strangled .
14 The condemnation of the figures that the hon. Gentleman has read out is that in those boroughs we need never have had so many liability orders or so many people taken to the courts or threatened with prison if they had not been misled by Labour Members of Parliament and councillors into running up enormous debts .
15 Apart from making a number of impressive black and white studies of the rugged terrain , he also photographed local people , always on the look-out for strength and dignity in their faces that showed they had not been eroded by the harsh circumstances in which they lived .
16 They had not been negotiated by any representative body of farmers , such as the National Farmers ' Union .
17 Asked about BBC1 and 2 , ITV and Channel 4 , more than two-thirds of respondents in the ITC study said in each case they had not been offended by the channel in question .
18 The young Fusiliers had been patriotically offered up for the politicians ' errors ; they had even been bullied by the militant women brandishing their white feathers , and they went cheering , singing , promising to come home victoriously to the grime and love of their Lancashire womb .
19 Although they had formerly represented the true repository of Judaism , and although they provided Christianity with the very focus of its worship , they had now been disowned by Jews and Christians alike .
20 He knew , too , that they had always been scared by the sight or sound of the Almighty : they were ‘ sore afraid ’ , a phrase which he understood to mean that their bodies hurt because their fear was so great .
21 And the buildings looked as derelict as if they had all been lifted by some force and dropped again .
22 Gradually , however , they had all been infected by Yussuf 's low spirits and now the orderly room was an oasis of gloom .
23 They had apparently been contaminated by an oily radioactive slick .
24 They have also been constrained by Britain 's geographic location and limited resources .
25 They have also been attacked by the courts , with the result that it is difficult to see what practical effect such clauses might be thought to have .
26 They have also been approached by the inter-church committee , who hope to organise a weekly coffee bar for young people between the ages of 14 and 18 .
27 They have increasingly been applied by ordinary church members in the years following the Council .
28 IF the Swiss were once the masters of miniaturisation , they have surely been overtaken by the Japanese .
29 To the extent that statutory changes were necessitated by these recommendations , they have largely been made by the Courts and Legal Service Act 1990 , Part I. Consequently , the relationship between the jurisdiction and procedure of the county courts and High Court will change over the next few years .
30 Although photoflood bulbs in aluminium reflectors are still used , they have largely been supplanted by the newer and much more efficient halogen quartz lamps , and these are available in a variety of power ratings .
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