Example sentences of "but [adv] [art] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Some of the houses stood out by dint of their brightly painted front doors but mostly the only sign of decoration was the washing on the lines and hanging from windows .
2 It was not soldiering where all hung on victory or defeat , as in other armies , but rather a stylish profession of arms , aimed at bringing greater glory to France and to the Legion .
3 It may be that there is no actual overflowing , but rather a strong smell of drains — particularly by the front gate .
4 ln that case the last clause — ‘ in that land were we born ’ — is no patriotic bugle-note , but rather a flat acknowledgement of what can not be helped .
5 In that sense , he is no ‘ revolutionary ’ , but rather a deep student of solutions , with a solid capacity for the kind of apparently trivial details that make all the difference between winning and losing , between safety and risk .
6 There is , in other words , no simple ‘ culture of failure ’ or ‘ culture of resistance ’ , but rather a complex set of strategies set generally within the context of strong attachments to families and black cultural identities ( Fuller , 1982 , 1983 ; Dex , 1983 ; Riley , 1986 ; Mac an Ghaill , 1988 ) .
7 She tried , but was not pleased with what came out , with the stilted words : — I have been unwell though not of anything infectious but rather a serious lowering of the spirits which I struggle to overcome .
8 During the past year there have been few remarkable changes in the desktop publishing market but rather a definite shift of emphasis .
9 The search and creation of the sex beast by the popular press is not usually a gross misrepresentation but rather a selective portrayal of specific facts .
10 The ruling Serbian Communist Party , a republican section of the LCY , voted on July 17 at the end of a two-day convention in Belgrade to combine with the pro-communist Socialist Alliance umbrella group in forming a new political party , to be known as the Serbian Socialist Party ; the name change did not indicate any substantive change in the party 's hitherto hardline communist policy , but rather a formal acknowledgement of the continuing trend in Eastern Europe away from the old-style communist parties .
11 Tolkien was not by any means cut off from the mainstream of English poetry , though the qualities he valued were not surprise , the mot juste , verbal complexity , but rather a slow probing of the familiar .
12 The implication is that multimedia applications may not so much be an issue related to the relative success of particular standalone platforms but rather an inherent feature of information services piped directly into homes , offices , libraries , schools and colleges through broadband information highways .
13 As with Hermann Scherchen and Hans Rosbaud in Germany , contemporary music was nothing unusual , but rather an integral part of his repertoire .
14 The fallibility of all knowledge is not a sign of its deficiency but rather an essential characteristic of knowledge , for every knowledge claim is part of a system of signs that is open to further interpretation and has consequences that are to be publicly tested and confirmed .
15 This would suggest that curiosity is not a by-product of intelligence , as we might expect , but rather an essential property of life .
16 However , with the emergence of the Southern Irish state , it soon became clear that this secularization of the state form was not to signify an absence of Roman catholic power in the construction of public morality , but rather an indirect recognition of the sovereignty of the church in most areas of moral concern besides education .
17 In passing , one might note that democracy was never an intention of the reformers but rather an unintended consequence of their theological reformation .
18 t If so-called ‘ so-called poststructuralism ’ is the product of a single historical moment , then that moment is probably not May 1968 but rather the Algerian War of Independence — no doubt itself both a symptom and a product .
19 What gives the Arabic version its sense of continuity is not , as in the case of English , the use of a series of identical themes ( I , I , I , … ) but rather the frequent thematization of processes as expressed in verbs , mainly ‘ saw ’ but also ‘ occupied ’ and ‘ pleases ’ .
20 In contrast with most other studies on exfoliative cytology for bile duct strictures this study has not focused on a particular primary site of tumour but rather the overall use of cytology with biliary strictures .
21 you can not protect the general theme or idea for a piece of sculpture , for example , but rather the fixed expression of it in stone or marble or , as mentioned , specific drawings in charcoal or some other medium worked on paper .
22 Its evocative power derived not only from its biblical roots , but also from the fact that it did not evoke clergy or hierarchy but rather the basic equality of all the baptized .
23 But eventually the servile condition of the peasants ( and the privileged status of nobles ) became hereditary , passed down from one generation to the next .
24 These characters coupled with the relatively large tentacle pores suggest that this species is not an Ophiacantha but perhaps a young stage of a species of the Ophotominae .
25 But perhaps the best measure of Paul 's ability was that , although he never sought publicity or acclaim , he was voted Palace 's Player of Year for two consecutive seasons , both of which were spent in Division One , in 1979–80 and 1980–81 .
26 But perhaps the best example of Picks System 's idiosyncratic development style is happening in the MD-DOS world , where the company is beta-testing multi-user Pick for MD-DOS — to be released later this year .
27 But perhaps the fastest rate of change , has been achieved in printer technology .
28 But perhaps the greatest source of its downfall was the fact that there was no evidence that it was .
29 But perhaps the new assertiveness of British Muslims should be seen as a sign not of isolation but of integration .
30 Up until 1880 it was a typical Nortolk village with no real centre but merely a dispersed pattern of cottages and farmsteads .
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