Example sentences of "but [adv] [prep] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 While the Action Teams have a major role to play in implementing local initiatives , they are not working on their own , but rather as part of the overall Making Belfast Work strategy .
2 This is not so much for reasons of hygiene , it should be added , but rather from fear of the pollution that can come from the demons of the dead , who are usually thought to harbour hostile feelings towards the living .
3 A complete task description is impossible and the appropriate preparation for the operator is not in direct training but rather in education/understanding of the system and the way it operates .
4 She wore another severe suit , grey this time over a white blouse , but perhaps in honour of the occasion had added a long twisted rope of coral , pearls and crystal .
5 But only on account of the smooth running of the business , she realised .
6 ‘ He does , but only for part of the week ; the rest of the time he works at Conway House . ’
7 The Alps were compelling , but only as part of the scenery , not as the winter activity playground they were to become .
8 Emmie had always known it , really , but only as part of the long , beautiful dream she had about all her family .
9 This depends on such considerations as whether the wider context includes an indication of negation or counterfactuality , and also on the lexical character of the verb with which the adjective is in immediate construction , since the property of the adjective is not applied to the entity in isolation but only as part of the property complex constituted by the adjective and the verb properties taken together .
10 It is a serious player in scientific supercomputers , but only by virtue of the VP machines it buys OEM from Fujitsu Ltd .
11 There has been a degree of attenuation of this rigidity in some respects , but only in favour of the church 's interpretation .
12 Even when meaningful financial rates of return were calculated , and proved to be low , but just in excess of the cost of borrowing , decisions were taken to implement projects as a result of pressure for action .
13 Far from being ‘ non-interventionist ’ , in this case Mr Lang has not only acted as promoter of the scheme itself , but also as overseer of the setting up of the public inquiry .
14 Tasks , leading into programmes , will be arranged against the reference of the framework , varying infinitely in depth or extent , contributing no only to localised progress but also as part of the whole Northern interest .
15 I say that on behalf of the permanent year-round staff at Festival House ( 3.5 people for the Festival and 2.0 for QFT ) but also on behalf of the professional staffs of the Grand Opera House , the Lyric , the Arts , the Ulster Orchestra , the Ulster Hall , the Ulster Museum , Stranmillis College , the Old Museum — in fact , all who help make the Festival the great event it is .
16 … not only on account of the manner of its content but also on account of the manner of its distribution , have the effect of a red rag upon the Gallic bull ; … it is important that we should be the party attacked and this Gallic overweening and touchiness will make us if we announce in the face of Europe … that we fearlessly meet the public threats of France …
17 The Dynacord 's price tag is pretty high , not only because of the EVM speaker , but also on account of the high-grade circuitry used throughout .
18 ‘ The party must fight for its new image , not only for its own members , but also in front of the whole nation . ’
19 The meeting at Münchengrätz in 1833 had increased his confidence not only vis-à-vis the Ottoman Empire but also in respect of the West , for Austria and Russia ( and subsequently Prussia ) had agreed not only to maintain the integrity of the Sultan 's possessions , but also to guarantee each other 's Polish territories and to assist any established regime which found itself threatened by insurgents .
20 General warnings are usually given , but often as part of the introductory briefing given to holidaymakers on their arrival .
21 The video is low on information , but high on evocation of the Alpine experience .
22 Politics is thus not conceived of as ‘ a contrivance of human wisdom to provide for human wants ’ ( Burke ) , nor as a matter of interests , conflicts and political goals , but instead as part of the struggle between good and evil .
23 We fished off the southern coast of Iceland but never in sight of the mainland ; all we saw of land was the Hvalsbakur or Whale 's Back , a single forbidding rock sixteen feet high , visible from ten miles away in clear weather .
24 If in the year in which the benefit is given to the taxpayer the amount of the relevant income is less than the amount of the benefit then the individual is only taxed on the amount of the relevant income but in subsequent years he can be further charged if there is further relevant income but never in excess of the amount of the benefit ( s740(2) ) .
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