Example sentences of "but [adv] [pron] be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Mercifully , there was no proposal to attempt landing an aircraft by the same means , but rather it was envisaged that rough landing strips could be constructed adjacent to the launcher .
2 At first , teachers will have to go through these stages quite carefully with the children , but eventually it is hoped that the children will become independent enough to use the system , or one like it , by themselves .
3 CFCs are a fraction of the emissions of carbon dioxide but nevertheless it is estimated that , unless the Montreal Protocol is strengthened , CFCs will account for 13 per cent of global warming by 2030 .
4 But generally it was felt that mothers could be relied upon to exert themselves on behalf of their children and that mismanagement resulted more from ignorance than from vice .
5 St Bartholomew 's church at Covenham was declining to the state of danger when a parish in California asked if they might have it and ship it stone by stone to the U.S.A. This caused much controversy for a while but finally it was decided that it should remain and be safely maintained on its original consecrated site .
6 But yesterday it was revealed that lawyers for the survivors , victims ' families , the airline , Boeing and three companies that made the engines have agreed payments will not be restricted .
7 Six months in Switzerland was the first suggestion but later it was decided that I could combine business and health by making a trip to New Zealand and learning the pelt fur business from the practical source in the fell-mongeries there .
8 But now we are told that the Labour party plans to increase the local contribution to no less than 20 per cent .
9 At one time only a few selected diseases were thought to have links with the sufferer 's state of mind , but now it is recognized that a whole range — from cancer to heart attack — may be brought on by worry and strain .
10 White never used to be a predominant Goshiki colour , but now it is realised that a snow-white base admirably sets off the other shades .
11 But now it is understood that annual sales have slipped to only about $30m — and accumulated losses at the subsidiary are put at as much as $10m .
12 But now it 's hoped that Longfords may be restored to its former glory .
13 Usually the grant is paid to the applicant when the work is finished to the satisfaction of the council 's inspector , but sometimes it is agreed that the council will pay for it in instalments .
14 Some uncertainty was admitted in relation to those factors , and ways of studying the impact of such uncertainties were shown , but then it was assumed that the uncertainties themselves were reasonably structured such that rough probabilities of outcomes could be assigned .
15 But again I was told that he was away from the office , and a girl who said she was his secretary could give no clear indication of when he was expected back .
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