Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [adv] [verb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have a managerial role , organising in-service training and schedule , but I also teach and that is what is important to me .
2 But I also know that this feeling of buoyancy , energy or even ecstasy , although close to that of romantic love , is not the same thing .
3 I 'm a Labour Party member and I would urge as many people as possible to join in , but I also recognize that many people feel membership demands the time and commitment that they have n't got .
4 But I also felt that that we have something to offer in terms of works BES
5 I I do n't know , probably we as newspapers are fairly guilty of preserving that image , but I also believe that those of you who are in local government service in whatever field , and that includes both officers and politicians have something to do yourselves there to try to restore that image .
6 Of course the authors are right to list the goals — from equal pay and opportunities to equal political and civil rights — that have not been reached , but I also think that many feminist ideas have entered the mainstream .
7 But I also acknowledge that such exceptions can not be realistically incorporated into the application of such rules .
8 AB : I can certainly see his point , but I just wonder whether this is too much of a generalisation .
9 I 've never met Sir Brian or Sir Oliver and have only met Sir Bernard a few times , but I instinctively feel that all six would lay down their lives without hesitation for a damsel in distress .
10 I respect er the view that was put to me in the extract from P P G twelve , but i nevertheless think that this is a matter of principle because it does n't apply to a particular res western route , it applies to all the western routes .
11 Mary has suffered notoriously bad luck in the past but I strongly believe that 1992 will be her year .
12 Chairman I 'm , I 'm conscious that this amended recommendation will cause some disappointment among the support of the Brandon bypass , but I generally feel that some form of agreement can be reached with Norfolk County Council and Breckland District Council and indeed the Norfolk Member of Parliament , if I 'm given more time to review the situation in the light of other proposals on the A eleven , the A one three , four and in Thetford .
13 But I soon realised that this view of women is completely bogus .
14 But I soon found that this had been a dubious choice .
15 A glance at the awful title suggested the answer ‘ nothing ’ but I soon found that this book is not like all the others .
16 It took me a long time to admit that , but I gradually realized that many people were grateful to me for sharing the thought with them .
17 I do n't regret it , of course — I might never have been a priest otherwise — but I often think that that 's why I just do n't seem able to come to grips with the modern world . ’
18 But I still maintain that most bedding planes show evidence of a pause in sedimentation , if not actual erosion .
19 In this study I have not attempted such quantitative analyses , but I still believe that good use can be made of a combination of the two approaches .
20 But I personally felt that that was a good tackle on Speedy , Ron how did you see it ?
21 But I personally feel that these two books are not just blood and gore , for they both actually have deep , rather strange and mysterious story lines , and not the usual one of an horrific axe-murderer !
22 But I certainly hope that odious little twerp with the placard is n't going to get away with it ! ’
23 But she also foresaw that very thing — I mean , she foresaw that she would go to save him .
24 But she also knows that relative shifts in demand occur and that these too can lead to her price being higher than the average .
25 Her main task was to organise courses in communication skills , but she soon found that more of her job was about creating the climate of media awareness in the Catholic Church .
26 But she effortlessly avoided that exasperating coyness with which some seek to engage their audience , and the group also included the angelic Wir haben beide lange Zeit with whose chiming repetitions she wove an enchanting spell .
27 Mary MacArthur spoke in defence of married women 's high sickness claims to the Departmental Committee on National Health Insurance in 1914 , but she still feared that any improvement respecting their position under the scheme would ‘ discriminate in favour of the wage-earning woman as against her uninsured sister , whose need is often as great , [ and ] will result in a State premium on the industrial employment of married women ’ .
28 There were some astonishing shouting matches over trifles , but we soon realized that this was his way of life .
29 We worried at first that the children might be sceptical and uninterested ; but we soon found that nine year olds have already heard of atoms in garbled ways from comics and really want to know about them .
30 But we also know that good experiences with objects in the environment also get forgotten and repressed in the same way .
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