Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 He looked at me as though he had seen me somewhere before , but I passed by with a curt nod .
2 But I came back as a Gnome .
3 But I came out with an O level !
4 It was the last lesson of the day and I could n't help it , but I come out with a big burp in the middle of the lesson and she goes , ‘ Fay , are you feeling all right ? ’ and I says , ‘ Yes Miss , of course I am ’ , and then she goes to me when I did it again , ‘ FAY ! ’ and I goes , ‘ It 's all right ’ , I goes , ‘ Pardon me , Miss .
5 I mean to move on silently escaping , but I crash straight into a trolley , pushed by a bloke looking like one of the heavyweights in a James Bond film , so I leap away at speed as he snarls after me and knock over a pile of bean tins .
6 The other soldiers had wives and families to go to , but I felt slightly at a loss away from the TA .
7 But I believe also in a society in which government does n't try to take responsibility away from people .
8 My age is 64 years , but I feel more like a man of 30 and I am mentally more alert ’ .
9 But you went on to a nameless belt of chairs and it took you it was Highways and Horizons they called it .
10 Either it was the brandy or it was the heat , but she went out like a light .
11 But she went down like a sack of spuds and cracked her head open .
12 ‘ An officer signalled for her to stop but she carried on for a mile and mounted the kerb on one occasion , ’ Tony Malyon , prosecuting , told Pontypool magistrates .
13 He tried to do it now , but she dodged back into a corner .
14 When she first came she ate so much so often that I thought she had worms , but she settled down to a very moderate appetite , so the worming tablet the vet .
15 He wondered if he would feel her mouth against his again , but she turned away with a brief wave .
16 He tried to shift her arm in order to see the wound , but she turned away with a violent shrug .
17 But she replied only with a slight inclination , and then turned for Conchis to take off her wrap , which he placed over the back of his own chair .
18 There were things sticking out all over the place on the Albini recordings but we came away with a sound we liked , ’ says the bass player .
19 erm there it is very difficult , all the cases we work with are fairly miscellaneous , so therefore have very individual problems , you know , that are different every time , so the anger is going to be different , but we come down to a lot of fundamental erm similarities erm often to do with bureaucracy and structures erm which people just do n't fit into , you ca n't force people to fit into boxes .
20 Life is very crude , and bonnie Princes Street a dream , but we soldier on with a good grace .
21 But we do n't as a regular thing do much as far as the public is concerned but what we do do is training for tropical foresters , and during the summer vac .
22 These documents demonstrate a commitment to developing broadly based , open political agitation , but they contain little about a civil rights strategy in the north ; such a strategy could be deduced from the analysis which they contain , but the documents give no indication that it had been proposed in any detail .
23 The French and Russian revolutions had made an enormous contribution in their time to human progress , but they lived today in a different world in which universal human values must have priority .
24 It was assumed that she would do so on the arm of one of her sons , but they followed behind in a somewhat passive procession .
25 Discussions went on for a year and cost T&L about £500,000 in legal fees and other expenses , Vlitos says , ‘ but they came up with a strong agreement which protected T&L — a pygmy next to a corporate giant like J&J ’ .
26 They were then left with a hole to fill but they came up with a rider who not only won at Kirkistown but also showed a lot of talent .
27 There 's a very good example of that in the film you 'll see , where somebody phones up , and does n't quite know who they want to speak to , but they get through to a department , and they say , ‘ Oh , I 've left some money ’ , and the caller immediately , and the person who 's received the call immediately says , ‘ Ah , money ! , you want the treasurers department , I 'll put you through ’ , and before the chap 's had a chance to say , ‘ No , no , no , I really want to speak to you , they 've gone , and they 're back at the switchboard . ’
28 The various decay products in the uranium chain are not present as they are not soluble in water , but they build up in a defined way , according to the decay rates of the individual isotopes in the chain .
29 Little owls will kill small mammals and small birds but they do not as a rule consume the flesh direct .
30 People do give support to their kin but they do so in a way which is patchy , possibly idiosyncratic , and which certainly can not be predicted simply from knowing how they are related to each other .
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