Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [verb] [indef pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But I knew nothing at all about Tohoku University , or about the city of Sendai .
2 Well , I tried to turn it into a joke — not a very good one , I admit — but I said something about that party game called consequences , you know where everyone writes down innocent things that get strung together because nobody knows what the others have written and it gets all mixed up so you get a silly story with a stupid ending .
3 I know how to build those damned weapons but I know nothing about those fancy triggering devices . ’
4 But I have nothing at all to complain about .
5 BELVILLE : O , she may be your favourite as a waiting maid but I see nothing but clumsy curtseys and awkward airs about her .
6 ‘ No ; but … but I guessed something like that had happened from what you said a while back . ’
7 But you know nothing of any kidnap ? ’
8 But you had something like two feet of snow in New York , you said ! ’ laughed Caro .
9 But she knew nothing of these things .
10 I meant to ask her about it this afternoon , but she 'd lots of other people there .
11 Then again , as to the repairs : it may be that the original lease from the ground landlord contained covenants compelling repairs to be made by the lessee ; but we know nothing of such a lease or such covenants .
12 but we had one with eight so we 'd have we 'd have the whole thing there twice .
13 But we had none of that from the Secretary of State tonight .
14 But we 've nothing like this , yet … "
15 But we have nothing against foreign investment in British companies , and I can not think why the Hon. Gentleman should take that line .
16 dir : But we do lots of those .
17 But they miss one in six . ’
18 In Acts we have two vivid descriptions of what has come to be called the communism of the early Church : ‘ All who believed were together and had all things in common ; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all , as any had need ’ ( Acts 2:44–5 ) ; and ‘ No one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own , but they had everything in common
19 ‘ He told us how he loved Leanne , but they had nothing in common .
20 Sarah had told Anne that her grandmother 's lodger Josh Adamson had died of a heart attack at the start of the raid , but they said nothing of this to Julia nor of the casualty lists which were posted up containing many names of people they knew .
21 Or , they maybe replacing some of these but they got plenty of these , or they 're replacing some of these but they 've got plenty of these ?
22 But they totalled nothing like two hundred , not much more than half that probably .
23 The 30 New Zealand supermen — they are only human actually , but they have something like divine status in their own land — fly into Heathrow at lunchtime today for a 13-match tour which next month moves on to Ireland .
24 These two views of the early medieval economy are irreconcilable , but they have something in common .
25 has n't been , he 's been even more desperate than to get a goal , but he got one on twenty one .
26 But he said nothing for 24 hours and later , in a panic , sent police in the opposite direction .
27 But he said nothing at all .
28 Marguerite 's rush of words almost drowned out Alain 's harsh intake of breath , but he said nothing at all as Marguerite went on , ‘ Now I know why you could not stay longer .
29 She looked up into the haughty face but he said nothing at all .
30 Like his wife , he had heard her voice change when she had spoken Dr Neil 's name , but he said nothing of that .
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