Example sentences of "but [adv] a [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , given the heterogeneous nature of cereal production in the UK , a uniform response is not expected but rather a range of opinion amongst producers , largely dependent on the degree to which producers are committed to intensive cereal production .
2 No , it 's not about taking chances in the commodities market but rather a kind of theatre of concern about human potential in our era of heightened environmental concern .
3 A main real difference in the experience which marked it off from fundamentalist and some pentecostal forms of conversion experience was that the outcome was not the assurance of being saved , but rather a spirituality of trust in Christ based on repentance and the conviction that God forgives repentant sinners .
4 As for the book , there was at least no drastic change of plan , but rather a continuation of work already done : " the short work " was surely not all that " finished " by the end of March .
5 The end product of psychedelia was not a new way of looking at the world and a liberation of the mind , but rather a lot of shit concept albums in the 1970s and an inaccurate belief on the part of pop stars that they were somehow important .
6 ‘ The essayist technique ’ , he admits , ‘ was not an ordinary language , not a mother tongue , but rather a form of language specialised to serve the requirements of autonomous , written , formalised text . ’
7 The slow deliberacy with which the wife commences her reply , with not a hint of offence in her reaction but rather a hint of care in selecting the right mode of reply , emphasizes her willingness to converse on the topic : So does her subsequent appropriation of a rhetorical device , the occupatio , a statement emphasized by the speaker feigning unwillingness or lack of freedom to express it : The monk too takes a moment 's pause before replying : again seeming to digest the implications of the wife 's words , or ( and ? ) to express , silently but with an eloquent action , astonishment at the wife 's ready invitation to him to continue to converse on this topic .
8 Polish nationalism , as Rosa Luxemburg pointed out to Lenin on several occasions , was unusual in that it was not primarily a bourgeois phenomenon , but rather a substitute for ideology taken over from the szlachta by the Polish peasantry as they and the lower ranks of the gentry coalesced to form an industrial working class and a commercial bourgeoisie.14 An important component of Polish political life , and part of the damage wrought by partition , was the continuing failure to produce an ideology that went beyond the purely national to link the aspiration to exist as an independent nation with either capitalist organisation or a socialist vision of society .
9 By totalization , therefore , Sartre does not here mean anything like a predetermined end or final closure of a totality but rather a process of mediation among the parts , where each is determined by the other .
10 There is no mysticism about it , but rather an acceptance of death and an awareness of all the little moments when the self was inadequate .
11 But perhaps a cup of tea would be better — cosier — if you know of anywhere round here ? ’
12 A charter party did not necessarily attest to the ownership of the goods shipped because the charterer might not have been a shipper , but merely a lessor of space .
13 This restoration of the sense of life may well be an effect frequently produced by techniques of making strange , but Shklovsky makes it clear that in the end the object itself is not important , but merely a pretext for art .
14 Then , his head bent forward , he noticed that the shadows were long on the grass ; in fact , there was but merely a streak of sunshine bordering the flower garden now .
15 We would n't expect the County Council to be proceeding to approval of the plan , but merely an approval in principle or an approval of the concept .
16 Thus , in the Maya world-view there was no sense of progress but only a blending of past , present , and future , which all tended to become one .
17 Seisin is a root of title , and it may be said without undue exaggeration that so far as land is concerned there is in England no law of ownership , but only a law of possession .
18 She was lying almost abeam of us , and at first I could n't see her hull , but only a sort of thickening of the mist that turned out to be her mast .
19 But already a change of attitude had begun , springing from Rousseau 's Nouvelle Heloise , published in 1761 .
20 And just as a bulldozer began clearing the coal , another demonstration of anger was taking shape at the unlikely venue of Cheltenham ; a town far removed from collieries and pits , but nevertheless a hotbed of outrage .
21 Allegations that Mr Gandhi or members of his family received large sums have often been heard on opposition hustings , but not a shred of evidence exists that his hands dipped anywhere near the till .
22 Many interviews were quoted with contacts in East Europe , all of whom claimed to have proof that Crabb was still alive , but not a shred of evidence was ever produced to support any of these bizarre allegations .
23 But not a chance in hell , old boy , of overturning it , ’ the refrain went .
24 Grigson , writing in The Listener , was equally forthright : he found in Minton 's work interesting prose but not a poetry of interpretation .
25 When she tugged the chain ( which had a pottery handle bluntly instructing her to ‘ PULL ’ on it ) , there was a raucous , metallic clanking fit to wake the whole house , but not a trickle of water came down to flush the bowl .
26 There are various types of head plumage , from thatch via greaseball to natural skin tone , but not a hat in sight .
27 There were a dozen or so cars parked near the entrance , including the Marshal 's small van , but not a soul in sight .
28 A house of sin you may call it , but not a house of darkness for the candles are never out , and it is like those countries far in the north where it is as clear at mid-night as at mid-day …
29 Aniel president Jesus Banegas , commented that 1992 's drop was unprecedented , and disturbing with regard to union with Europe : ‘ there is a risk we will be classified as a nation that is a consumer , but not a producer of electronics ’ , he said .
30 Over the fifteen years that Motability has been established , there have been powerful disagreements but not a whisper of hostility .
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