Example sentences of "but [adv] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This may not be out of unwillingness but rather ignorance on the part of parents : they do not know how to go about encouraging such skills .
2 I would want to argue that if our goal is a religious situation in which women and men are accounted equals , we shall need to promote not continuity but rather discontinuity with the past .
3 It is important to understand that it is never treatment in the abstract which can be described as ‘ extraordinary ’ , but only treatment in the context of the particular patient being cared for .
4 The glare dimmed and outlines of roofs and trees and angles at street junctions , lampposts , signs , doorways , scaffolding and cranes — too molten to look up at at two in the afternoon — calmed into focus , became distinct against the astounding pure clarity of the sky , and later became so sharp and clear that looking at them was like a note you could not hear but only sense within the ear by some change in vibration .
5 There are n't enough biscuits ; you can have tea and coffee in the morning but only tea in the afternoon ; no-one knows where the switches are or how the equipment works ; and so on .
6 But meanwhile clearance for the dam continues and the likely new environment minister , Barry Jones , says he may attempt to get a court injunction to halt work .
7 What characterises these speaker-initiated insertion sequences , then , is that the London English part of the speaker 's turn is a sequence embedded in the turn but not part of the mainstream ; it does not necessarily start at a syntactic clause completion point ( for example ( 8 ) , where it begins after a subject pronoun ) and its purpose is to elicit information , or check on information to make it possible for the speaker to complete the current turn ( Sebba and Wootton 1984 : 4 ) .
8 That the situation was as it was , and hence that certain events did not and certain events did occur , is indeed much of our reason for asserting the conditional statement but not part of the statement .
9 Interestingly , Egypt described the Memorandum as changing the United States ' role from one of ‘ partner ’ ( but not party to the Peace Treaty ) to one of ‘ arbiter ’ which it considered inappropriate .
10 If cells from the region of the early embryo that will normally give rise to the eye are grafted into the region that will form the gut the cells do not form an eye any more but just part of the gut .
11 The Ferguson-developed 4wd system , which directs power between the front and rear wheels in a fixed 34/66 per cent ratio , is effective and durable but hardly state of the art .
12 There was more of the same before Alexei and Jotan were allowed to depart , but further enquiry into the matter was not mentioned , and it was as if Artai had lost interest .
13 But further confirmation of the agency discrimination against the area was provided by another contributor who said that the IDB has run away from Belfast and is out around Newtownabbey , Newtownards and Castlereagh .
14 There should be produced to the tenant not only a copy of the policy and/or a summary of the insured risks but also evidence of the payment of the last premium .
15 This curatorial self-consciousness is not only symptomatic of current museological debates but also evidence of the fact that exhibition and gallery display is not solely the concern of the museum professional .
16 The consequence is that Berger and Luckmann and Holzner describe not only human being but also society on the basis of phenomenological introspection ; society is constructed in their description in accord with their image of the ‘ human ’ .
17 Freud argues that the man who is sexually jealous of a woman would ‘ not only feel pain about the woman he loves and hatred of the man who is his rival , but also grief about the man , whom he loves unconsciously , and hatred of the woman as his rival ’ ( ‘ Some Neurotic Mechanisms ’ , x. 197 — 8 ) .
18 Attention should increasingly be focused on how resources are used — the effectiveness and appropriateness of health service interventions — studying the distribution of indications for health care as a means of increasing not only efficiency but also equity within the context of democratically driven priorities .
19 With a repayment mortgage , you pay back a monthly sum which is not only a proportion of the outstanding debt but also interest on the remainder .
20 In general , children under 5 years were more likely to be upset at the birth , but neither sex of the child nor separation at the birth determined the reaction .
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