Example sentences of "but [pron] be [verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We do n't have a dishwasher either but I 'm assured that these two things can Totally Change Your Life and you wonder how you ever lived without them .
2 No , no , but I know that , but I 'm saying that that 's what I meant , that 's what I meant .
3 No I 'm not , but I 'm saying that some people probably have a natural , a natural teaching ability .
4 to , to , I mean when I first had the er plaster off , which was for ten days it was , I could not believe it that these fingers were not going but I 'm told that that 's quite usual .
5 I have never seen an avocet in Cornwall , but I 'm told that this rare and unique bird has been spotted on these marshes .
6 Only it may feel like such a disaster that , that they feel they ca n't do anything about it , er but you 're saying that that is n't , is n't necessarily the case ?
7 Part of their mission was to mobilize popular support for Franco , but who was to say that Falangist purists might not mobilize it against him ?
8 Ah , but we 're finding that this , in fact , happening several times .
9 What Bet and Alec thought of a packed house replete with Manc ravers is anyone 's guess but we are told that this event , which was a joint Most Excellent and A Bit Ginger promotion , had the Mancunian cognoscenti rocking over the most famous beermats in Britain .
10 But they 're warning that nineteen ninety three could be different — with new EC regulations allowing in a flood of dangerous fireworks from Europe .
11 Another American film of that year , A Workingman 's Dream , has a very weary hero who fails to find a job at a factory ; he falls asleep and dreams of a Professor Wonderful who offers him instant wealth and a new set of clothes , but he is told that these new gains will disappear if he breaks certain simple instructions ; on three occasions he accidentally carries out simple actions which break the instructions and his wealth disappears ; he wakes up to see an ambulance taking a worker from the factory — there is a vacancy and this time his application is successful .
12 Jesus is not suggesting there are some who are righteous and some who are sinners , because we 're all sinners , all have sinned but he 's suggesting that those who do n't realize and acknowledge they 're sinners , he says , I have n't come to call you .
13 It is accepted that some conception of a set of conditions for an effect is used , but it is denied that this is the conception of a causal circumstance .
14 The interpretation of the super-structures naturally presents greater problems , but it is argued that most had gabled roofs with rafters resting on wall plates below head height .
15 ‘ or disorderly behaviour ’ This point is not defined but it is felt that any conduct which is not orderly and is not covered by ‘ threatening , abusive , or insulting words or behaviour ’ would suffice .
16 But the Working Party did not need to dally with morbidity indicators , since ‘ the reasons for the pattern of differential Regional mortality are not wholly understood but it is believed that Regional differences in morbidity explain the greater part of it and that statistics of relative differences in Regional morbidity , if they existed , would exhibit the same pattern as those for mortality ’ ( DHSS , 1976b , p. 16 ) .
17 The police investigation is continuing , but it is believed that two plastic barrels containing some 300 lb of home-made explosive were placed beside the roadside hedge and detonated by command wire from a vantage point overlooking the scene .
18 In 1972 the number of houses used as second homes in Britain as a whole was estimated at 372000 , but it is believed that this number has declined in recent years due to the inflation in house prices since that date .
19 The Bill is bound to be extensively amended before it reaches the statute book — at the time of writing 16 , amendments have been put down by the Government and 25 of them are of major importance — but it is believed that few if any of these amendments will affect settlements under which there is subsisting an interest in possession .
20 But it is believed that several dozen members of the last Parliament are still members .
21 The differing styles of these articles mean they are not all suited to publication in similar outlets , but it is hoped that unlike past years ' winners we shall see all of them published in some form or other in the coming year .
22 Negotiations are still being finalised , but it is hoped that 34072 will visit Bitton next year , possibly May , and work trains to Oldland Common .
23 How many dealers will eventually distribute THStyme 's radical new technology is not known , but it is hoped that appropriate channels will be established by the end of the year .
24 The archive is not open to the public at the moment as there is not enough funding for staff and technical equipment , but it is hoped that this will soon be overcome .
25 It is sad that so many have been lost or allowed to deteriorate , but it is hoped that those survivors which remain will be cherished and preserved as reminders of other days .
26 But it is to say that compulsive gambling with all its damaging consequences can be seen just as much in the reputable halls of commerce as in the street corner betting shop .
27 They are , of course , allowed to say that they enjoy their work , but it is presumed that such enjoyment is shared by any good worker .
28 France does have legislation against age definitions in job advertisements , but it is understood that this is not enforced in any way .
29 But it is understood that most of the banks who have lent money to Bond have secured their loans against assets or have made provisions against ultimate default .
30 Senior tutors may make offers on conditions differing from the norm to take account of an applicant 's special circumstances , but it is stressed that this should be an exceptional practice in case targets be overshot .
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