Example sentences of "but [noun] [verb] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This production was only a qualified achievement , but Eyre succeeded in a different vein when he brought out the kindliness and charm of Harold Brighouse 's Hobson 's Choice at the Haymarket ( 1983 ) , in which Penelope Keith appeared to splendid effect .
2 Chaucer looked at in isolation can seem daunting , but Chaucer read in a cultural and historical context , with visual and other aids , could come alive as a great poet , speaking across six centuries , in a Gadamerian fusion of horizons .
3 This new corporate shift is to female values but it involves men — but men thinking in a new , more conscious way . ’
4 But numbers belong in a different category , and here descriptive terms evidently can refer just as " rigidly " as names can .
5 They were wedged in with the patient herd of people who were shuffling slowly and quietly up the stairs to the foyer , but Mark talked in a clear , excited voice , as if oblivious of their presence .
6 But ability conceived in a singular way is not sufficient ; one can not assume a situation of perfect competition in which those possessing the necessary physical attributes will emerge as the best sportsmen : the notion of natural ability is not sufficient .
7 The group instinctively rose to their feet , but John said in a firm voice , ‘ You are not taking my wife up the stairs .
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