Example sentences of "but [prep] [art] [det] [noun sg] you " in BNC.

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1 But with a little practice you can be near the top of the scale .
2 But at the same time you will make it very beneficial for him to be more obedient , to ask nicely and to control his temper .
3 All these things you can do by yourself , but at the same time you will be making some sort of social contact .
4 So make sure it 's safe , take your casualty from the cause , you may have to resuscitate , now if a person swallows something by mouth , there 's two types of poisons , one can go by mouth and one is er corrosive and the other is non-corrosive , but at the same time you have a liquid or tablets , now if it 's a corrosive liquid that you have swallowed or somebody has swallowed , it 's burning as it 's going down , and may I say in first aid you never ever on any circumstances make anybody sick er especially poisons , can you imagine if it 's burnt going down it 's probably perforated the food pipe and somebody comes along and overdoses on the water , because you can give sips of water for corrosive , well it 's because you 're trying to keep the airway open , if it 's burning , corrosive is burning you 'll get swelling , so this is why you give sips of water , but if you give too much your casualty will be sick and if it 's burnt going down and perforated the tubes and they 're bringing it up again it 's gon na burn coming up and go into those perforations that and cause further damage .
5 Except that women were deferential to other speakers they would let they would they were they would allow themselves to be walked over in conversation but at the same time you had this stereotype of women who talked too much .
6 It 's paradoxical because often divorce law reforms thought of as favouring women and in circumspect that allows women to get away from an unreasonable husband and that kind of thing , it 's certainly true , but at the same time you have to notice that in terms of reproductive success it may benefit more er men more .
7 I mean you do n't wan na be push , push I mean but at the same time you do n't wan na be you do n't definitely wan na be running around like a cuckoo head do you ?
8 So you , yes we , we 've got the end of feudalism , and then we , we 've got this promotion of the rich peasant economy , the promotion of inequalities but at the same time you might need to come in to protect the ri the poor at the bottom because you do n't want those inequalities to get too great .
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