Example sentences of "but [adj] 's [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I wonder if it 's something to do with the job that you do or the people you have to work with I do n't know but that 's generally the tendency of people in these groups , team workers come out quite highly .
2 You would n't let a thief tow away your home — but that 's exactly the sort of invitation you give a criminal if your caravan is n't secured !
3 You pay , of course , but that 's rarely a problem for his clientele .
4 For instance , sometimes the Profitboss will disagree with a decision made by his boss ; but that 's rarely a reason to resign .
5 But that 's just a way of changing key .
6 That 's my teacher at school but that 's just a lady .
7 I was high on LSD probably , but that 's just a guess . ’
8 It also sounds a bit like the late Joan Crawford — but that 's just a guess !
9 ‘ There 's Cockfosters , sir , but that 's just a cage , too , and the school opposite Wandsworth Prison .
10 Poor man — I do n't know what he thought about me , but that 's just the way it happened .
11 But that 's just the way they 'd rather be .
12 But you see I find this discussion slightly difficult to deal with because on the one hand you 're saying yes , the exclusion clauses in the policy reduce the scope of your liability quite dramatically , and on the other hand you 're saying but that 's just the words in practice we behave quite differently .
13 But that 's just the point — it 's dismal and bleak and they 're frozen stiff , hoping to catch Ramirez in the stake- out and barely able to express anything , but what they do express is infinitely lugubrious and despondent .
14 ‘ Ah , but that 's just the point , that 's just the brilliance of it .
15 But that 's just the sort of costly stunt that the unconventional Richard Branson attempts when he 's not at the helm of his two highly successful businesses , music group Virgin and airline Virgin Atlantic .
16 But that 's just the nature of the beast of , of the fact he had fifteen minutes , it 's , it 's only an observation really .
17 But that 's just the start ; counts of 200 are not uncommon and in summer 1984 the pollen count in central London reached a record 820 .
18 ‘ Ah , but that 's just the Earth 's gravity .
19 But that 's also the nature of the way things are really is n't it as well you know ?
20 By the time we got home — the gatehouse to Wytham Abbey — Michael was saying things like , ‘ It 's ugly , but that 's partly the point ’ .
21 But that 's hardly a crime . ’
22 But that 's still no problem , the breadhead says .
23 yeah , no , but that 's still a paper though is n't it ?
24 ‘ Yes , but that 's only a technicality .
25 But that 's only a story .
26 You see something advertised like ‘ The Four Seasons ’ : well , everyone knows the famous bit , but that 's only a quarter of it .
27 They have to keep a logbook but that 's only a check to make sure that nobody 's leaving a mess in the common areas and we only have it because we 've found that some residents can have problems because they 've become deskilled in certain things .
28 But that 's only a palliative . ’
29 You may find Ollie rather baroque , but that 's only the facade .
30 But that 's more the price of a Cavalier 16v 4x4 than a Carlton 24v , so the Dodge still represents terrific value .
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