Example sentences of "but [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I did zip the tent flap shut , but wasted no other time on housekeeping ; I would come back in daylight to tidy up and replace the stores I had used .
2 One further dimension to such a system is the possibility of " networking " a number of micros This involves the interconnecting of micros which retain their full power as independent computers but gain the additional ability of communicating with other computers in the network and having access to common files The result is analogous to a minicomputer with a number of terminals but with the big difference that each of the micros has its own processing power instead of sharing that of the mini .
3 Education is seen to include some of this , but goes a long way beyond competence in application .
4 Incomes policies were first adopted in the UK in the late 1940s but became a regular feature during the 1960s .
5 This power had never been previously used , but became a key element in the plan to save Hector 's dolphin through the establishment of a marine mammal sanctuary around Banks Peninsula .
6 Sir William dealt with this in his own typical fashion , hanging three Douglas ringleaders there and then , but demanding a like example to be made of the Hamiltons , which was scarcely equitable , since the Douglases had started it all and were three times as numerous as their hereditary foes .
7 30 June 1989 found most of the battalion not on guard in bearskins and tunics , but enjoying the last day of a fortnight 's shooting on the ranges at Salisbury Plain , on ISAAC .
8 First is a simple reductionist view , which would neglect the way in which culture not only shapes but constitutes the vast mass of human behaviour .
9 The 19-year-old keeper had kept a clean sheet in his four previous games but got a rude awakening against a Newcastle side that can do no wrong .
10 Indeed , Irish people have sought survival elsewhere , and people often left this country because they did not wish to stay in the slums of London , Birmingham or Liverpool but sought a better life in Australia or elsewhere .
11 The Humanist stress on the importance of the word was not only redoubled but given a special orientation by the Reformation-which experienced its supreme crisis , the Diet of Worms , in 1521 , four months before Josquin 's death .
12 But given the volcanic climate of November 's stars , something fairly dramatic and transformative is about to ensue .
13 But given the fixed level of those overall resources , the inevitable result has been a reduction in resources for the remainder of the school population .
14 But given the recent decline in numbers of tenured black academics , falling Ph.Ds , retention , enrolment , and grade point averages among black students , and a decreased political commitment to their education , there are unlikely to be widespread , long-term improvements in black students ' , professors ' , and professionals ' positions in psychology .
15 Sceptics may baulk at such an idea , but given the attested presence of such equally implausible-sounding objects as a block of portable eighteenth-century soup ( ex Captain Cook ) , Inuit seal-gut underwear , African cobweb hats and other equally exotic objects , the concept of dressed fleas may seem more acceptable .
16 But given the democratic revolution on its own doorstep , the Soviet Union is now distanced from its long-time proteges .
17 But given the democratic revolution on its own doorstep , the Soviet Union is now distanced from its long-time proteges .
18 There is now some research being done on local languages in the university , but given the complex pattern of languages , especially with widespread population movement , and the cost , it seems unlikely that the government 's policy on the official medium of instruction will be changed .
19 But given the current mood of the Cabinet on public expenditure , only projects with a thumping and tangible economic return seem likely to get through .
20 On occasions larger pieces fall from the table , but given the vast size of the investment cake , the East End has got very little .
21 But given the considerable importance of purchase behaviour , this relative influence may be particularly great .
22 But given the cultural overlap between Britain and the US , and the fact that the 20 highest-grossing films in Britain last year all came from America , many of Medved 's arguments are equally applicable on this side of the Atlantic — if they are applicable at all .
23 But given the rising tide of rape and other forms of violence , Britain appears to be rearing a new generation of what Kenneth Clarke calls ‘ really persistent , nasty little juvenile offenders ’ .
24 A trial date had finally been set for 17 June 1991 , but given the obvious flimsiness of the case , he was still concerned that somebody within the DEA might be tempted into direct action .
25 This however is not due to a desire to rock'n'roll but represents an instinctive response to signals interpreted by their mind configuration as a call to food , sex or perhaps just good arachnid company .
26 A girl 's voice , soft and guarded , but touching a familiar chord in my befogged mind .
27 See paper being made following the traditional method , but using a recycled base to which fragments of plant leaves and petals are added for colour and texture
28 So from the first he attempted to make himself master of the city — a prelude to an active policy not only to control Rome but to restore the Papal State to its old frontiers .
29 Maybe , Charles reflected , his son-in-law was the result of some cloning experiment , by which creatures from another planet had created something that looked like a human being , but lacked the essential circuitry of humanity .
30 The Romans appreciated fine art but lacked the artistic sense of the Greeks .
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