Example sentences of "from [pos pn] [noun sg] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This meant very little to me apart from a salary increase and a move from my position at the extreme right of the Cabinet table to the extreme left .
2 Class 1 contributions are paid by workers in employment and are deducted from their pay at the statutory rates .
3 Leonie von Wilckens has been working in this area for over thirty years from her base at the German National Museum in Nuremberg , home of a major textile collection .
4 The Springfield Striders veteran , fresh from her success at the previous weekend 's Border Half-Marathon , clocked 2.06.13 .
5 She rose from her chair at the little antique bureau which stood in the attic window space , bent down and fumbled for the catch of the secret drawer which she had found there .
6 She walks from her flat at the wrong end of Ladbroke Grove , along the Harrow Road , under various stretches of motorway , past the Metropole Hotel where she calls in to buy herself a drink in the Cosmo-Cocktail Bar ( she is perversely fond of the Metropole Hotel ) , and then through various increasingly handsome although gloomy back streets , until she arrives at the arranged corner .
7 Then she caught sight of his reflection , and turned to face him , all the colour draining from her face at the harsh expression which sharpened the well-cut bones of his face .
8 From its terminus at the new roundabout on Glasgow Road , the Sighthill Section follows a gently curving alignment in a southerly direction for some 4.7 km ( 3 miles ) until it connects with the northern end of the Colinton Section close to Clovenstone Roundabout on Westerhailes Road .
9 The silence was broken by the clip-clop of hooves as a horse was led from its stable at the far side of the courtyard by an Indian .
10 The bird jumps from its nest at the last minute and runs off making a special squeaking call .
11 Theoretically it costs Christie 's from around £200 to pass a lot through the sale room , from its arrival at the front desk to its departure at the delivery room ( assuming it sold ) .
12 He still smarted from his treatment at the military prison , but realised that he must try to control his violent nature if he was to amount to anything .
13 This personal stamp is partly created by the unique range of Burrows ’ influences — British folk dance from his training at the Royal Ballet School , ballet itself , and at the opposite extreme the minimal , unburnished style of Rosemary Butcher , with whom he has performed several times .
14 A Hungarian minister , popular with environmentalists , has been sacked from his job at the Environmental Protection Ministry .
15 Last summer , following on from our display at the Royal Norfolk Show , we participated in a Festival to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Norfolk Federation of Women 's Institutes .
16 It is , however , something that he will be given by Conservative Members and I am sure that he will want to make the most of it before — sadly — he retires from our midst at the next general election .
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