Example sentences of "from [det] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the concern to increase intra-party democracy and change the balance of power within the Labour Party bespeaks of a profound commitment to create a kind of democracy in Britain very different from that entrenched in the established constitutional set-up and different from that desired by the constitutional authorities and the Alliance who both wish to see legal limits on Parliament as well as a revival of the autonomy of parliamentary government itself .
2 Although the nature of the 1:50,000 potency created is different from that created by a 1:100 ratio ( ‘ … my new method produces medicines of the highest power and the mildest action … ’ §270 ) it is interesting to note the theoretical relationship with the centesimal scale .
3 This effect of symmetry was indistinguishable from that observed in the speeded responses of two age-matched , neurologically healthy men .
4 A long or short position can result in a profit or loss for a bank if the exchange rate alters from that quoted in the initial transaction .
5 The reason for this can be traced historically to the fact that research on creativity in academic psychology has formed a quite separate strand of enquiry from that originating in the early pathographic analyses carried out by medical writers .
6 The store will be quite separate from that planned by the Central Electricity Generating Board to house spent nuclear fuel before it is reprocessed .
7 The judge in the later case finds some relevant fact in that case of sufficient importance to justify a different approach from that adopted in the first decision .
8 In order to distinguish the conditioned response ( CR ) of the test stage from that acquired in the first stage of discrimination training , the nature of the reinforcer was changed , from appetitive to aversive .
9 When contra-charges or claims have arisen between the builder and the nominated sub-contractor for such items as damage , breakages or delays then obviously the amount certified by the builder will vary from that certified in the interim certificate .
10 Within the overall acceptance of innate sociality in humans we have tried to shift the debate on human aggression or peacefulness away from definitions and absolute categories , to an investigation of alternative moral orders in which the human person is perceived of as radically different from that constructed through the Judaeo-Christian tradition .
11 Does this not constitute a radically different form of theism from that practised by the Near Eastern religions ?
12 However , the concern to increase intra-party democracy and change the balance of power within the Labour Party bespeaks of a profound commitment to create a kind of democracy in Britain very different from that entrenched in the established constitutional set-up and different from that desired by the constitutional authorities and the Alliance who both wish to see legal limits on Parliament as well as a revival of the autonomy of parliamentary government itself .
13 Second , and part of the power battle over the constitution of the Labour Party , there is a concern to secure a democracy in Britain different from that entrenched within the established liberal-democratic constitution and different from that envisaged by the Liberals and Social Democrats .
14 The basic organization of the later Tudor Household is clearly foreshadowed in the Black Book and Ordinances of Edward IV ; and the controlling system devised by Cromwell in 1539–40 is not in essentials different from that expounded in the Black Book .
15 Will they become backwaters undertaking work which is qualitatively different from that done in the larger centres ?
16 The Ragusans represented a way of life which was completely different from that imposed upon the Balkan peoples by the Ottoman occupation , and their influence on life in the cities was of great historic significance .
17 Thus , the dairymen who farmed the lush meadows of the Dove Valley geared their husbandry to a different system from that followed by the sheep-and-corn farmers on the Lincolnshire Wolds , and the range of opportunities for earning a living and for gaining some measure of independence from a lord or squire was much greater for a cottager living on the edge of a moor , forest or marsh than the scope available to his counterpart in one of the nucleated , corn-growing villages of the Midland Plain .
18 The effect of connectivity can be assessed by calculating the entropy change associated with the different number of ways of arranging polymer chains and solvent molecules on a lattice and , as it will be demonstrated , this differs from that calculated for the ideal solution .
19 This focus on services shifts our attention to a different aspect of the social division of labour from that discussed in the previous chapter , namely the separate firms and industries that make up the service sector .
20 If observed planetary behaviour differed from that predicted by the Copernican research programme at some stage in its development then the hard core of the programme could be protected by modifying the epicycles or adding new ones .
21 By the early twentieth century , paleontologists were promoting a coherent model of evolution that differed significantly from that proposed by the early Darwinians .
22 A goal of short-term profit maximisation implies conduct different in important respects from that required by a long-term profit goal .
23 If the education and training differs substantially from that required by the same profession in the ‘ host ’ member state , an aptitude test or a period of supervised practice may be necessary .
24 This structure differs from that found for the related H5 histone genes , where less than 150 bp of the proximal promoter region seems to be sufficient to ensure basal level transcription ( 19 ) .
25 The main point , however , of the section on the Germanic tribes is a discussion of the nature of feudalism , and this is little different from that found in The German Ideology .
26 For instance , the rule of contributory negligence applicable to collisions at sea differed from that established by the common law of tort .
27 This is a different expression from that used in the 1959 Act which was " new applicants " and was taken to mean not only applicants for new certificates but also applicants for the renewal or transfer of certificates at present in the name of other persons .
28 * It is not clear why the effect of the retention interval should be especially marked when the pre-exposure flavour is different from that used in the subsequent phases of the study .
29 The London boroughs and metropolitan districts closely resembled the unitary authorities but they operated in a quite different regional context from that intended by the Royal Commission .
30 On the other hand , the same in gel protection analysis performed on a putatively irrelevant , faster-migrating species [ absence of additional protected zones in DNase I footprinting , not arising from Jun degradation ( data not shown ) ] demonstrated its non-specific nature ( low affinity , highly electrostatic interaction of abundant proteins that are present in excess to binding-site DNA ) by displaying a cleavage pattern indistinguishable from that derived from the free probe .
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