Example sentences of "from [art] [noun pl] ' [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is worth speculating on whether , from the locals ' point of view , the proliferation of village organizations reflects not so much a flourishing of community life as a symbol of its downfall .
2 From the singers ' point of view , there was a condition that they should have a copy of the film for their private use .
3 He was able to track down a lot of detail about the original construction and decoration — so he could keep the design and get it back to what it was , but incorporate new features , like a Great Hall without all those pillars , which is much better from the customers ' point of view . "
4 However , tactical considerations may dictate that some conditions and definition terms are omitted from the vendors ' draft of the heads .
5 The man who was killed was one of three people who attacked a crew from the international television news agency , Visnews , 50 yards from the Marines ' post at the airport entrance .
6 Erm what , what was the feeling that came over to you from the tenants ' group at the time ?
7 This is particularly the case where builders do not maintain a stores department or utilise a yard , and in fact many builders function only on the basis of direct delivery from the builders ' merchant to the site .
8 The Alternative Prospectus , Welfare , Overseas , Mature and Postgraduate Student handbooks are just part of the information service you receive from the Students ' Association before arriving .
9 However from the students ' point of view , the making of a video recording was the purpose of the exercise .
10 From the burghers ' point of view , his death was a serious blow , for it forced Louis VI to punish them .
11 Well , children can be allowed to express their anxieties verbally and to learn perhaps from the adults ' modelling around them that to talk about these things in moderation is perfectly acceptable erm but not to do it to the extent or to allow children to perhaps watch the news coverage to the extent that they become over excited and are not able to contain their own feelings of anxiety about loss and damage and death and separation from parents and significant adults .
12 It 's also very important from the adults ' point of view that erm it does n't matter if you are a so called single parent , which , I by the way , am , or whether you are within erm a couple but actually in in fact you 're , you 're a single parent because you 're getting no support .
13 It is also notable that where a chairman or chief executive has been brought in from outside to those organisations , this may be followed by many changes in senior management and so , from the headhunters ' point of view , putting a chief executive into an older-style organisation is usually an opportunity for them to work with the newly appointed chief executive to build the new senior management team .
14 From the parents ' point of view , it is equally related to all its offspring .
15 From the parents ' point of view , to go back to your original question about whether it 's good for children to be helped at home , of course it 's , it does n't make any sense to stop helping your child just because he 's reached the age of five .
16 Under the influence of excessive risk aversion managers are thus liable to cause the firm to grow to an inefficient size and to engage in other forms of behaviour which are sub-optimal from the shareholders ' point of view , such as making low dividend payouts and an inadequate use of the company 's borrowing capacity .
17 Significant opposition from the Miners ' Union over high cost capacity cuts , new escalation of anti-nuclear hostilities , worsening relations with the Soviet bloc : any of these factors could significantly affect West Germany 's energy future .
18 But when the problem is looked at from the miners ' point of view a rather different history comes into view .
19 Procedure is governed by FPR , r4.22 as with appeals from the magistrates ' court to the High Court .
20 Individual partes have offered their backing to a wide variety of regimes , ranging from the Peruvians ' support for Velasco , the Panamanians ' generally favourable stand towards Torrijos and the Argentine Communists ' ( critical ) support for the 1976 military coup led by General Videla .
21 It is a very common feature in the first questions drafted by students in schedule designing to ask questions which patently have not been thought about from the respondents ' point of view .
22 This combination , we feel , will provide a real test of the products ' value and ease of use — from the musicians ' point of view .
23 They are trained on all aspects of aerobics from the beginners ' level to advanced step .
24 Since aid is becoming more , not less , important in Africa there is a crying need for a more outspoken analysis of the problem , not only from the recipients ' point of view , but by the recipients themselves .
25 A huge problem , though , from the conversationists ' point of view , is that it may not be in the interests of fishermen or whalers or hunters of ivory — or at least not in their financial interests — to achieve maximum sustainable yield .
26 It is not the same sort of task as that of the natural scientist in search of hidden causes , because the context of action can not be divorced from the actors ' understanding of the context .
27 For that , he needed not just hundreds of incorruptible field agents writing down what they overheard , but also analysts able to detect when people were joking ; some of the oddest accusations , like Eleanor Roosevelt 's supposed affair with two lefty trades unionists , come from the agents ' innocence of dirty jokes .
28 The problem from the owners ' point of view had been solved .
29 These factories , which produced a range of goods from shoes to armour , brought in a regular profit for their owners , but the reliance on slave labour had disadvantages from the owners ' point of view ; the market for industrial goods was uncertain , and in slack times , when it was difficult to sell the products from the workshop , slaves still had to be fed and housed , even though their labour brought no immediate return for the owner .
30 In the current absence of information about problematic matters from the teachers ' point of view , one can only make assumptions based on impressions about the kind of issue that is uppermost in their minds .
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