Example sentences of "from [art] [adj] [noun pl] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 The act does not control what happens to cell cultures imported by companies operating on the fringe of the biotechnology industry — away from the watchful eyes of the HSE and GMAG .
2 Extracts from the 56-page conclusions of the presidency are given below .
3 The republic 's long estrangement from the six counties of the north was never meant to be .
4 Although not totally immured from the political activities of the 1930s , Williams nonetheless appears to have been completely absorbed in his academic studies at Oxford .
5 In these days when party politics have entered so fully into local government , nominations to committees frequently come from the political groups of the council and it is at the group meetings of the council that a new member should stake his claim for membership of particular committees of his choice .
6 Bamboo Shoots p52/ Flat strips cut from the young tips of the bamboo plant Bean & Mushroom Salad , Warm p40 Beans , Black p52/ Fermented beans used extensively in Eastern cookery Beef & Green Chilli Stew p106 Bierwurst p14/ A German slicing sausage with a mild flavour Black Forest Gateau p78 Black Pudding p14/ An English sausage made from pig 's blood , thickened with cereals and also containing lumps of fat Blackcurrant Marinade for Game Pie p31 Borlotti Bean Salad p40
7 But if the victuallers were to have their stores ready only by the end of August , and the king was intending , as it seemed , to continue his journey eastwards across the centre of England , equidistant from the possible battle-grounds of the Welsh and Scottish borders and the threatened south coast , and ready to move in whichever direction should first require his presence , then there was no longer anything to be gained by loitering here , and he had better be making his way over to Owen with what information he had , and whatever intelligent inferences could be drawn from that information .
8 The principal methodological difficulty of the attempt to specify the developmental effects of TNCs in the global system is to isolate their effects and differentiate them from the general effects of the processes of ‘ modernization ’ ( a concept abandoned by most researchers but which lives on regardless ) .
9 Clearly , the Dart Valley Railway is now operating as a very large business far removed from the general notions of the line 's founding fathers and the spirit of steam railway preservation .
10 the finance is to be repaid out of the specific asset it has financed and not from the general resources of the entity .
11 Apart from the general characteristics of the basic blend adjustments may be made to suit regional variations in water hardness , by the addition of sequestrants .
12 Sculpture comes in from the far reaches of the Pavillon de Flore at the Louvre
13 This village had been built solely for the duration of the festival , for the thousands of funeral guests who were expected to arrive on foot from the far corners of the kingdom .
14 With her experience in social service in Britain fresh in her mind the new Territorial Commander took a particular interest in that sphere and was soon rallying support from the far corners of the earth .
15 The reading knob must be slid to and fro from the far ends of the slot .
16 As long as the Soviet Union subscribed to this anti-fascist ethic , Nizan was willing to avert his gaze from the internal contradictions of the Soviet state itself .
17 John Osborne 's Look Back In Anger added to the chorus from the lost boys of the lower middles .
18 Analysis sheets ( Fig. 6.15 ) are written up from the duplicate copies of the bills .
19 " An English minister " , wrote a pamphleteer in 1836 , ought never to forget that the map of the British empire is the map of the world , and that if the ministers of other countries have only to study surrounding nations , he has to know the wants and interests of every people under the sun , from the savage Caffres of the Cape , to the civilized inhabitants of France and Germany .
20 Autocracy appeared the very linchpin of everything that offended a small but intellectually dynamic intelligentsia which was breaking away from the traditional values of the nobility .
21 In John Huston 's The Dead ( 1987 ) , only a cut separates an indoor street set ( late at night , so no background is needed , just a house , a bit of pavement , one street lamp and a horse-drawn carriage ) , ostensibly in Dublin but actually in Valencia , California , from the dark streets of the real Dublin , shot by a second unit with Huston 6000 miles away .
22 When Mark and his cohorts eventually emerged from the dark recesses of the studio and delivered the Talk Talk album that they 'd always wanted to make to the band 's record label , more than one EMI executive jaw hit the lush EMI executive suite carpet .
23 The undertaking of the welfare of illegitimate children of soldiers who had been killed , the organization of accommodation and support for those evacuated from the western borders of the Reich already in autumn 1939 , or the administration of packages to be sent to relatives at the Front , were all tasks which fell to the Nazi welfare organization , the NSV .
24 The river Aver begins as a number of fast mountain streams which flow from the western slopes of the Dwarf fortress of Karak Varn just north of Black Fire Pass .
25 The Stir may be traced to the streams which flow from the western slopes of the Dwarf fortress of Karak Kadrin .
26 In less than three years after his demob from the self-indulgent pastures of the peacetime RAF , Richard Burton turned himself into a great young classical actor — the heir and very apparent to Gielgud and Olivier ; and Hollywood was on the line , fishing for a new star .
27 Entering the transcendent and feeling the beautiful ideas of creativity is to escape from the sad feelings of the child .
28 Aside from the technological requirements of the new system , other important issues have to be resolved .
29 When she and Kartoffel climaxed in the hotel 's reindeer shed , she had visions of the Old Man of Hoy , proudly jutting skywards from the creamy foamstorms of the Pentland Firth .
30 ( Copied from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society , A.D. 1808 ) : Sir , According to your request , I send you an account of the facts I have ascertained , respecting a canal I discovered in the year 1803 in the medulla spinalis of the horse , bullock , sheep , hog and dog : and should it appear to you deserving of being laid before the Royal Society , I shall feel myself particularly obliged by having so great an honour conferred upon me .
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