Example sentences of "from [pron] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then you take evidence from everyone who might have anything to say on the subject .
2 er he would back his with a little encouragement from me he 'd back his lorry right into it and flatten it for you .
3 If it came from me she would believe it .
4 Also , if you purchase a machine from me I will do my best to help you find some new sites .
5 If a man remains in me and I in him , he will bear much fruit ; apart from me you can do nothing
6 If you came up here seeking some sort of forgiveness from me you can forget it .
7 We noticed that quite often if people ate the sandwich they left the cake , or vice versa , so when we used to collect the trays from them we would take whatever was left .
8 You select the facts that are telling ( pun intended ) , the facts that will advance your story or make clear your characters or even make your locations easy to assimilate , and you hope that from them you can produce something that is not too far distant from the unwritable reality .
9 That means you fly to Leningrad and stick around for orders from someone who will introduce himself with the words , ‘ The face of the city has changed . ’
10 However , the attitudinist will say that the only real deduction is at the descriptive level , and that the distinctively ethical part of the conclusion springs from the value charge of the word which expresses an attitude from which one can disassociate oneself without being in the least irrational .
11 This special report provides a base from which we can develop our health , safety and environmental service into the next century .
12 The persons assigned to act as regional commissioners were placed on standby and the secret bunkers from which they would control their regions were prepared for occupation .
13 Create a training incentive for firms through the introduction of a levy equal to 2% of payroll , from which they would deduct their expenditure on training .
14 The whole thing hidden beneath layers of ice and rock , untraceable from the air : a flexible and formidable system of defences from which they would launch their attack on the Seven .
15 If objectives from the higher categories of Bloom 's taxonomy are included , where students are asked to make judgements , to criticise and evaluate ; and if students are given a range of objectives from which they may make their own choices and even , at the later stages of training , are encouraged to write their own , then this will go a long way to meeting this criticism .
16 This is the part of the house that visitors stand closest to and from which they will form their first impression .
17 To support their plan the generals secretly subvent large sums from the Chiefs of Staff 's contingency fund in order to build a secret airbase in the Texas desert from which they will launch their coup .
18 He wheeled his horse , and roared his own knights round upon their bowmen ; and the loyal among the marksmen set up an answering howl , and fell out as best they could , leaping sidelong into the bushes and up the heathery slope , to stand clear of the slaughter and find a vantage-point again from which they could play their part .
19 As we feel it is most important that our pupils should benefit from the best teaching materials available , it is our policy to ensure that teachers have at their disposal a wide range of supplementary materials from which they can select what is appropriate for each set .
20 Okay , so the , the reflective pronouns require a C commanding antecedent , antecedent really is just a noun phrase from which it can get its reference like herself back to Florence .
21 Apart from which I would think it highly unlikely that you would even get into my little car . ’
22 ‘ If needs be , and I hate to stoop to this , I can take steps to override your obstruction , from which you might find it difficult to recover ! ’
23 Here are some medically recommended guidelines from which you can plan your own menus :
24 When an idiom is just something that has the form of , has a certain apparent grammatical form but actually occurs just as a single unit of a fixed meaning , so it has no genuine semantic structure from which you can determine its meaning , for example kick the bucket means die and you do n't get that in the meaning of kick the bucket .
25 I also attach a copy of my reply , from which you will see I have told Mike Templeman that I would take up his claim that he did n't have enough information on which to base an accurate estimate with you .
26 She has been feeding intensively in the neighbourhood , building up in her body the reserves from which she will produce her eggs .
27 Yet he had never been assigned any lands from which he might maintain himself and his Queen in their proper estate .
28 His ‘ robust realism ’ results from the fact that he can not attain the standpoint of transcendental reflection from which he can notice what we take to be idealist tendencies in his work .
29 At one level , he finally found a spiritual home , a sanctuary from which he could vent his spleen on the oppressive bourgeois institutions which had duped him .
30 Wedged inside that drum he drowned , his little legs waggling pathetically as he gulped and squirmed and tried to get his arms into a position from which he could lever himself out .
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