Example sentences of "from [noun] to time and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The subscription rates shall be subject to review from time to time and altered on the recommendation of the Finance Committee with the agreement of the Executive Committee .
2 He had handled many issues with skill and public spirit and good feeling , but he had no publicly recognized parcel of achievement which he could open from time to time and contemplate with satisfaction .
3 Even though Marci gets to give him a cuddle from time to time and wash his favourite bright red undies .
4 If a customer was unaware of the need to provide variation margin from time to time and had insufficient available funds to meet margin calls , then he may be forced to liquidate his position at a loss even though , had the contract been allowed to run to maturity , it may have closed at a profit .
5 Stand back from time to time and take a look at the big picture .
6 I get tired of all this from time to time and attempt to get off the Circle Line and branch out into new conversational territory .
7 Remember to check on them from time to time and water them carefully if the compost seems dry .
8 They would appear from time to time and taunt the old couple , reminding them of their past lives and the failures or mistakes which had brought them to the castle ( though never detailing them — neither Quiss nor Ajayi knew what the other had done to justify sending them here .
9 They were closed down from time to time and checked the day prior to our morning operation .
10 Their function can vary from time to time and place to place .
11 Anchor ice accumulations , being less dense than sea water , break away from time to time and rise to the surface , carrying with them entrapped and frozen plants and animals , which gather in layers under the inshore floes .
12 Even here , I expect his mother comes in from time to time and has a good old poke round . ’
13 Karen brushed them off with talk of a ‘ little twinge ’ that she got from time to time and rose briskly to clear the table .
14 ‘ I have made arrangements with certain people in the neighbourhood — a pastor , a doctor , business people , a local historian and so on — to receive my students from time to time and talk about their work .
15 Do you take them out from time to time and gloat ? ’
16 A woman would come from time to time and take my money and bring me clothes and food .
17 Not only do some building societies produce greatly more advantageous accounts from time to time and neglect to alert their existing deposit holders , but they actively conceal the new arrangements .
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