Example sentences of "from [noun] to [noun] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Transitions from g to g and from u to u states are forbidden ; only transitions from u to g or from g to u states are allowed .
2 Traditional models consist of the transfer of information from one person to another , for example , from user to designer and from manager to designer .
3 In this chapter , the primary concern is with changes occurring over time spans from minutes to centuries and from spatial wavelengths from about 1 m to about 100 km .
4 And on several nights Madame , looking from O to Boy and from Boy to O , noticed , as several of us had , their remarkable similarity of colouring .
5 The service runs from Easter to November and on winter weekends .
6 Second , the 20 years from the mid-fifties provided a period of only marginal differences in programmes both from election to election and between the parties .
7 For every long contract to which it becomes party there is a matching short , for every dispute with a seller ( though disputes are so rare as virtually never to occur ) there will be an equal dispute with a buyer , and for every case of force majeure in delivery there will be an invoicing back from buyer to LCH and from LCH to seller .
8 The fighting there is from building to building and at night , often hand-to-hand with knives .
9 This year we examined Business English candidates from Hungary to Russia and from Slovenia to Poland .
10 I trudged back to the city centre and tried to have a look around the main shopping district , forced to sprint squelchily from doorway to doorway and from one dripping awning to another ; but it was hopeless .
11 Desks in lines , streamed classes , sets of identical textbooks through which children move from term to term and from year to year all serve to confirm a particular belief .
12 The book jumps constantly from Brooklyn to Harlem and in descriptions of both , it is usually black people who are involved .
13 In the case of definite pronouns , we have shown that mapping from roles to roles and from roles to names can be influenced by manipulating the experimental task and , presumably subjects ' perception of it .
14 Pages are written closely and amorphously from side to side and from top to bottom .
15 And , while there are Link/Plus ATMs from Guam to Canada and from Japan to America , there are none in Italy or France .
16 During our presidency we must extend the competence of the Community so that it can ensure that once animal welfare regulations are passed they are enforced — from Spain to Scotland and from Ireland to Greece .
17 Judicial views on this matter are likely to vary from judge to judge and from time to time : some judges favour more rather than less judicial review ; others less rather than more .
18 Fees vary from degree to degree and from subject to subject .
19 Shortly afterwards a wide range of new channels offered viewers a greater choice of television programmes from sport to movies and from news to music .
20 On this basis it will be possible to describe changes in employment patterns , and in the relative importance of different ‘ pathways from work to non-work and of different forms of non-working ( eg , unemployment , disability , retirement ) , according to such factors as previous industry , social class , sex , marital status , health and closeness to ‘ normal ’ retirement age .
21 In 1991 profits fell from £314m to £151m and in 1992 it halved again to £77m .
22 The tanners ' chief customers were the shoemakers , but of course quite a variety of goods , ranging from bottles to garments and from saddles to straps , were made out of leather .
23 Variations obviously occur from village to village and from area to area , so that no claim is made that what follows in this chapter applies to each and every village in England .
24 Two simple planes connect the sunken eye socket to the forehead , and a small disk extends below from cheekbone to the inside corner of the eye , while the jaw , the nose and the section from nose to mouth and from mouth to chin are each clearly defined .
25 Perhaps incest is even more closely a matter of social norms than paedophilia ; its proscription or permissibility has been and is highly variable from period to period and in different sub-cultures within our own country , let alone others .
26 For families with two or three children , the doubling of child benefit would mean an increase in their tax-free income from £14.50 to £29 and from £21.75 to £43.50 , respectively .
27 In less extreme circumstances others were expressing concern that the holding of information and its transmission from teacher to teacher and from school to school might unfairly label and prejudice a child .
28 In default of a totally homogenised society , it is impossible to imagine a situation where there will not be variation from school to school , from teacher to teacher and from children to children .
29 What is appropriate will , naturally , vary from job to job and from country to country .
30 Individual risks vary greatly from job to job and from industry to industry .
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