Example sentences of "from [noun] [noun prp] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From William James at the end of the last century to the present day , psychologists have speculated and experimented to discover how this is done .
2 Boss Colin Murphy , who took over from David Webb at the end of a turbulent season for the club , is grimly realistic of his side 's chances tonight .
3 Boss Colin Murphy , who took over from David Webb at the end of a turbulent season for the club , has been forced to sell Dean Austin to Spurs for £500,000 and Peter Butler to West Ham for £275,000 .
4 Tolkien had been brought from South Africa at the age of four ; Lewis was a Belfast man schooled in England for whom , like his Mend Tolkien , the Western Front had proved the deepest trauma of a largely bookish life ; Charles Williams , an Oxford publisher who died in 1945 , was a Londoner ; Dorothy Sayers , who died a dozen years later , the daughter of an Anglican clergyman ; and Owen Barfield a London solicitor who shared with his friends a passion for all things lexical , and above all for the etymology of words .
5 She turned from them : " Just a minute , chicks , " her voice was warmly imperative , its tone taken from Aunt Tossie at the store room door , before , after a suitable delay , she dealt out a rock of coffee sugar to a waiting child .
6 The government 's efforts to wipe out bourgeois liberalism abated during the summer of 1987 but many had suffered , from Hu Yaobang at the top to graduating students at the bottom .
7 THE South African bowlers suffered their second caning in six days from Phil Simmons at the Queen 's Park Oval yesterday as the West Indies achieved a 3–0 clean sweep in the one-day series .
8 The £15,000 was advanced in order to enable the Hammonds to complete a purchase from Mr. Steed at a price of £24,500 .
9 SO DISTANT : Diana sits apart from Prince Charles at a ceremony in Spain
10 150 rare birds of prey , mainly large falcons , were taken to Spain from Saudi Arabia at the outbreak of the Gulf War by Philip Whitehead , until then the director of a falcon centre owned by the Saudi royal family .
11 Further details are available from Professor Tregenza at the address below .
12 Further details from Anna Glover at the Institute .
13 Susan Barber took over from Catherine Stark at the beginning of the year the task of laying out the Magazine pages including the graphics and illustrations .
14 A booking form and details can be obtained from Catherine Sharpe at the Institute , 0780 56777 .
15 Copies of the papers are available from Jack Maurice at the Institute .
16 Copies of the report , price £20 , are available from Peter Mayatt at the Institute 's Technical Department .
17 At one time it was feared that the highly-rated midfielder , who attracted an unsuccessful £1.3m bid from Crystal Palace at the time of the Marco Gabbiadini transfer in September , would need an operation , but he has managed to recover thanks to special exercises under the close supervision of club physiotherapist Steve Smelt .
18 He joined David Nicholson from Jenny Pitman at the start of the season , and made a most impressive chasing debut for his new trainer at Wolverhampton last month .
19 An early nineteenth-century country-style bedroom contrasts with the elegance of the Greek Revival diningroom of New York and the richly ornate bedroom from New Orleans at the time of the Civil War .
20 Bought from Roda JC at the beginning of last season , the 6ft 5in Dykstra not surprisingly likes charging off his line to gather cross balls .
21 His pride and joy is the splendid wood-lined copper which he bought from Brendan Dobbin at the West Coast Brewery in Manchester .
22 I also had many more letters than usual and much assurance from Michael Fraser at the Research Department that the national polls really indicated a very considerable measure of support in the country .
23 Middleton said : ‘ We have had some encouraging words from the Scottish Secretary and we believe will get some support from Michael Heseltine at the Department of Trade and Industry .
24 I took over from John Thynne at the beginning of December .
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