Example sentences of "but because [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not out of contempt , but because under the present circumstances , they 're a killer — people emerge exhausted ; you ca n't get artistic satisfaction .
2 Jackie Stewart was easily recognizable on the starting grid , but because of the distinguishable Stewart tartan band across his helmet .
3 But because of the parlous state of the National Insurance Fund ( largely caused by unemployment ) , NI contributions for employees will increase .
4 But because of the industrial importance of nineteenth-century Britain , and because of its provincial vigour , the BAAS was particularly prominent .
5 Emily Lloyd , Whoopi Goldberg , daryl Hannah and Whitney Houston were amoung the dozens of rich and famous thronging the stage at Nelson Mandela 's 70th birthday party — an event shocking not just because of the numbers of celebrities involved , but because of the sheer diversity of its star-studded line-up .
6 Whatever the reasons for the latter , Labour was able to fill the political vacuum created , not as an automatic or natural beneficiary , but because of the electoral advances gained from growth of the trade unions .
7 An early shift was when the parish council in Stogursey , the only village within the official power station evacuation area , registered its opposition , not just because of the feared disruption , but because of the increased risk of an accident .
8 But because of the general volatility of the astrology , anything that is weak will wilt under the pressure .
9 But this was not due , it is suggested , to the absence of any proprietary interest on their part , but because of the restrictive attitude of the law towards the recovery of pecuniary loss which is not the consequence of a tangible , physical injury .
10 It does not provide a resolution of the conflict in either psychological or social terms , but because of the aesthetic coherence of the novel , the problem itself is stated more forcefully than it is in either of the two previous works .
11 Similar behaviour was also obtained with fully interactive ozone , but because of the radiative coupling of the ozone field to the dynamical evolution it was not possible to identify unambiguously the contributions of heterogeneous and homogeneous chemistry .
12 Our cell culture experiments do not support this suggestion as they did not show the synergy between EGF and TAGH that would be predicted , but because of the inhibitory effect of TAGH alone at the concentrations used , they can not refute this possibility .
13 In my view the weakest sounds in the A4 are its overdrive and distortion , not because of the amount of effect available , but because of the various voicings on offer .
14 Intertidal limestone solution is at a much higher rate , 100 mm ( 4 in ) per 1000 years , but because of the low sea levels this could not really be expected to destroy reefs .
15 ’ This is not because the people have changed their minds but because of the increasing complexity of government , requiring more and more administrative devolution , and more powers to be given to the Scottish Office .
16 Literature , usually the major part of English in the grammar schools , has received the most severe overhauling , but because of the current unacceptability to many educators of a ‘ middle-class ’ curriculum for all our pupils , every activity in English has been given a different set of emphases . [ … ]
17 All this administrative devolution was done by Conservative Governments , and it was not done out of a feeling of national sentiment , but because of the administrative requirements needed to achieve good government for the Scottish people .
18 Classically , such motions can involve any amount of energy , but because of the atomic scale involved the energy is quantized .
19 But because of the weak change-orientation in these cultures , the idea-handling remains at a relatively low level of creativity .
20 The hearings system is claimed to have turned thousands of youngsters away from a life of crime over the last 20 years , but because of the confidential nature of the work done by reporters and panel members , much of the evidence is anecdotal .
21 I also know that I sit here , not because of any evidence against me but because of the legal establishment 's concerns for its own pretensions to infallibility .
22 But because of the special circumstances of York we 've got to first define and refine the area of search to a specific corridor and then the other locational criteria are just a guidance , first we take the proposals forward to the local plan stage .
23 However , as Anthony and Young ( 1984 , p. 4 ) argue , ‘ the basic control concepts are the same in both profit-orientated and nonprofit organizations , but because of the special characteristics of nonprofit organizations , the application of these concepts differs in some important respects ’ .
24 But because of the bad experiences , when the drug companies have said for years , trust us , we 've researched it , we 've developed it , you know it 's it passed the F D A rules , and then there 's Atavan and Valium and all the things that we had Halcyon and there 's a horror story at the end of the day .
25 But because of the obvious difficulties encountered in the fermentation process , the wines of antiquity would have been drunk , more often than not , before the first fermentation had finished or whilst undergoing the second fermentation the following spring .
26 But because of the very vagueness of form in the crime novel it is all the more important to bear what it is constantly in mind , and all the more difficult to do so .
27 Somehow what is left of Beaufort conspires to embody these political and religious transitions ; when the mists lie in the valleys of southern Lebanon , the remaining walls can be glimpsed above the clouds , but because of the peculiar geography of the place — because the ravines and wadis fold in uneven formation and in odd directions — Beaufort always appears to be in a different location , its broken ramparts a nightmare denture which eludes every contour and coordinate .
28 In special cases , it was conceded , outside shelters might be necessary , but because of the heavy drain on materials and labour , the use of steel or timber in any quantity could not be authorised .
29 Often the instructor or pilot knows the correct recovery and thinks that he is using it , but because of the unusual forces on the controls , he is failing to apply the full recovery action .
30 But because of the flexible nature of plastic , correct support is vital so the bath can not move while in use .
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