Example sentences of "but is [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A similar banality in 2010 is unrelieved by Kubrick 's wicked irony , but is partly concealed by the excellent acting of Scheider , Mirren , Balaban , Lithgow , Baskin , and , of course , Douglas Rain again as the voice of HAL — he alone had escaped from Kubrick 's anti — acting regime in 2001 , to become the only character that anyone cares about or indeed remembers .
2 Artistic interest in the making of meaning does not end when the music is made , the record released , the performance over , but is equally invested in the way in which it takes on its public meanings , via the media of television , radio , advertisement , the star system , Fleet Street gossip columns , poster magazines and so forth .
3 Likewise , in that same world , where financial probity may not be widespread in general but is strictly enforced within the sport , Copersucar 's interminable financial difficulties , its frequently delayed payments , its general insecurity and inability to meet its commitments , took their toll of most people 's tolerance .
4 This particular paragraph is written by one who realises its frequent , unprecedented beauty , but is somehow repelled by the bodilessness of it .
5 This is one of the big three timber importers in the UK , but is best known to the public for its 191 Jewson outlets catering to the small jobbing builder .
6 This is rarely under the control of the producer country , even less the actual direct producer , the farmer , but is increasingly coming under the control of the TNC conglomerates that manage the global food system .
7 ‘ The community is not only again in mourning but is increasingly terrorised by the spiralling deterioration through bombings and killings , and feels impatient with a government which seems almost paralysed . ’
8 We suggest , however , that the tiredness experienced by young couples in the first months of a baby 's life is not just the result of broken nights , change of role , anxiety as to the well-being of so small and vulnerable a being , and doubts about being a good enough parent , but is also related to the strain of exercising a defence against envy of the baby to whom so much care and comfort is offered .
9 Meantime Ing C Olivetti & Co — which has an interest in the ARM RISC via its 80% holding in Acorn Computers Plc , is developing its own personal communicator , but is also looking at the AT&T Hobbit , and may join the alliance with Eo ; its own product would be the next generation of the 2.2lbs Quaderno portable , which uses the 16MHz 8086-compatible NEC Corp V30HL chip .
10 This is partly due to the different religious and cultural traditions , but is also influenced by the fact that it is extremely difficult to produce curved and flowing lines unless the knotting is reasonably fine .
11 The dominant role is closely linked to particular reasoning abilities and personality characteristics , but is also affected by the priorities and processes of a manager 's job .
12 It involves the transformation of an object that is meaningful but structured at the level of the signification to an object that is still meaningful but is also structured at the level of the signified .
13 Nitrous oxide , commonly known as laughing gas and once used as a dental anaesthetic , is a natural product of biological processes in soils and water but is also emitted to the atmosphere by fossil-fuel burning , soil disturbance , the application of nitrogen based fertilizers , biomass burning and animal and human wastes .
14 It 's not just that he has withdrawn from the business of running a diocese , or that he walks abroad a great deal at night but is scarcely seen during the day , or that he often wo n't accept phone calls .
15 It may occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract but is predominantly located in the gastro-oesophageal junction and in the stomach along the lesser curvature .
16 This community has obvious affinities to the scrub vegetation of small islands and ravines described above , but is not recorded for the Outer Hebrides in the NVC .
17 The question of what is significant has been at the heart of much recent discussion , but is not addressed in the ASB 's proposals .
18 I 'm taking here about pure , blind betting of someone who is not attempting to exercise any skill but is just looking at the odds offered by the bookies , and pointing out — and I 'll have a table to demonstrate this in the talk I give at the Open Day — the way in which the rate of return on bets made in this way decreases steadily the longer the odds are offered .
19 What is not clearly stated in the text but is easily deduced from the tables is that most of the proposed ‘ preventive ’ measures in these 39 cases/ 1000 are not really preventive at all but , rather , treatments carried out after birth : 15.7 are neonatal surgical procedures for congenital heart defects , pyloric stenosis , and inguinal hernia ; 15.4 are standard orthopaedic procedures for congenital hip dislocation and club foot ; and 1.8 are postnatal treatments for a variety of other conditions .
20 She enjoys modelling , but is sometimes baffled by the amount of money she is paid for ‘ standing around doing nothing ’ .
21 Munster originates from the Vosges mountains of France , but is much imitated throughout the world .
22 She is interested in the primitive and the raw , both culturally and emotionally , but is endlessly discriminating about the tenacious way in which cultural forms , from cookery to high literature and music , establish themselves and persist .
23 This view is not based on logic but is greatly influenced by the programming to which we have all been subject from day one of our lives .
24 The results however are quite clear : positive cooperativity always occurs at the gal P1 promoter , independent of the C-terminal part of the α-subunit but is only observed with the intact wild-type enzyme at the lac promoter .
25 She now has a eight month old son Joseph … but is still coping with the loss of Ankeret … with the help of Sands , the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society … a self help group of bereaved parents .
26 IXI has its eye on the very same area , but is still working on the details .
27 The 25-year-old has failed to score in 14 appearances , but is still preferred to the £1.5m ex-Glasgow Rangers striker .
28 The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities has declared itself a potential purchaser but is apparently negotiating on the asking price which is said to be $2 million .
29 However , unlike the pipette technique , this method is not confined to analysis of silts and clays , but is commonly applied to the sand fraction of the sediments .
30 She was elected for Labour , but is now voting with the Tory majority .
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