Example sentences of "but it must be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 The depth may seem excessive for plants that enjoy the shallows , but it must be realized that the planting basket will raise the plants close to the surface of the water .
2 But it must be repeated that this extensive social penetration by Iranians does not seem to have destroyed local autonomy or opportunities for office-holding by locals : thus the Amyzon inscription mentioned above certainly honours Iranians , but one of the archontes ( magistrates ) , has a Karian name ( Panamyes ) and so does Hyssollos the ‘ Treasurer of the Gods ’ and the ‘ mountain guard ’ Paes sun of Panamyes .
3 This Report focuses on some of the immediate problems , and suggests some possible solutions , but it must be emphasised that no single component of RBGE can hope to deal with all of these issues .
4 But it must be recognized that to teach about Christianity though it entails teaching about Christian doctrine , with the gospels and at least part of the Old Testament as the source and background of that doctrine , in no sense involves proselytizing .
5 They are , but it must be recognized that by adopting certain accounting policies over others , management can influence the future expansion and direction of ( as in this case ) a major nationalized industry .
6 This may seem to be a gloomy picture but it must be noted that , in relation to work , age is not a large aspect of individual differences compared with natural endowment , and that increases in ability can more than compensate for small decreases in capacity .
7 It may be described using the statistics of random walks but it must be noted that even this can not be exactly true , since by its very nature the chain must avoid itself .
8 There is no precise definition of a storm but it must be noted that strong winds ( unless storm force ) or heavy rain alone do not constitute a storm .
9 The attraction for the bees may be conditioned or due to ‘ taste ’ but it must be noted that nectars contain things besides sugars , particularly lipids , amino acids and proteins as well as alkaloids , non-protein amino acids and phenols .
10 Again , we are only really concerned with two intervals and their inversions , but it must be noticed that one is much more dissonant than the other .
11 Of course , the conditions of Russia in 1917 and the following years posed ‘ special problems ’ for the Bolsheviks , but it must be recognised that the tension between the tendency to treat each factory as the ‘ collective property of its own workers ’ and the need to ensure the subordination of production to a ‘ common political end ’ is in no way unique to the Soviet experience .
12 Problems like these arise from a lack of imagination in house management , but it must be acknowledged that the drinking public behaves in a very inflexible way and fails to adapt to the qualities of different buildings .
13 Put like this it seems extremely cold and unfeeling , but it must be said that if we were all to make our own arrangements without any order or form then chaos would quickly result .
14 This is not the place to conduct a survey of Karajan 's Berlin recordings but it must be said that the 1962 Beethoven cycle was a tour de force , the finest of its kind since the Toscanini to which it paid partial homage .
15 There are newspapers and posters , photographs and mementoes but it must be said that a lack of Italian language will limit the appeal of the collection .
16 Many teachers try to compile their own programmed texts , but it must be said that this takes a great deal of time to prepare .
17 But it must be said that the historian 's task is substantially simplified by the transformation .
18 There is a Breed Society for every breed of goat in the U.K. but it must be said that the evaluation of male goats lags way behind that of bulls .
19 But it must be said that in some cases the DCSL who had overseen the ordering was uncertain as to where in the school the books had ended up , let alone their frequency of use .
20 But it must be said that , even with the best garden centres , the range of herbs is not great , and consists mostly of the culinary type .
21 Starting was as fraught as ever or even more so because of large craft wanting to come through the start line but it must be said that the cruiser operators were generally very cooperative throughout the race .
22 But it must be said that multi-user computers can be slow at times if a large number of people are all trying to use the computer at once .
23 But it must be said that both Liverpool and Everton have cause to be grateful for the Moores ' family millions .
24 It is true that the acceptance of computing is still greater in research rather than teaching , but it must be said that the latter holds great potential , some of which , hopefully , will be unleashed through the injection of much-needed resources via schemes such as the Computers in Teaching Initiative ( CTI ) and the Teaching and Learning Training Project ( TLTP ) .
25 The first point definitely implies the second , but it must be said that other mechanisms exist in the equations for introducing folds into the return maps , so that a similar transition is observed even for b-values which do not mean that increasing r involves passing through the spiral of Fig. 6.2 .
26 There are frequent statements to the same effect , especially in cases decided since the passing of the UCTA 1977 , but it must be said that in the past the courts have often disregarded such exhortations and adopted strained and artificial interpretations .
27 My opinion at the time was that Saunders had committed the foul , but it must be said that there appeared nothing malicious about the way he attempted to gain possession .
28 Our customers tend to be left out of these reports , but it must be said that they did part cheerfully with over 13,000 and that we enjoyed meeting them .
29 That 's how I see things evolving , er but it must be said that Russian statesmen have got to have this self restraint not to abuse those nuclear weapons just as the United States has had to .
30 The evidence for this assumption seems in the end to be the fact that Taskopruzade uses for the first time in relation to Molla Fenari a distinctly official-sounding title which appears to encompass the entire Ottoman state , namely ; but it must be reiterated that there is no evidence in Taskopruzade 's account to suggest that this appointment occurred in the time of Murad II rather than earlier , perhaps in the time of Mehmed I or even of Bayezid I.
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