Example sentences of "but it should be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Luff 's achievements have now become legendary in the history of Blackpool 's tramways , but it should be recorded that he was fortunate in presiding during a time of expansion , and also enjoyed the political support of the Transport Chairman Ald. C. E. Tatham from 1934 until his death in 1954 .
2 A detailed discussion of such clauses is beyond the scope of this chapter , but it should be said that the case law shows that use of such clauses to provide security in the event of failure to pay the purchase price is surrounded with many pitfalls .
3 Both the above principles are useful guides , but one regularly finds , in analysing natural speech , cases where it remains difficult or impossible to make a clear decision ; the principles may well also be factually correct , but it should be emphasised that at present there is no conclusive evidence from instrumental study in the laboratory that they are .
4 The services referred to below are described as they would relate to a Northern Ireland exporter but it should be realised that similar services are of just as much importance to importers .
5 Scorn has been poured upon the excessive mourning practised by Victorians , to which even their children and servants were subjected ; but it should be recalled that the badge of mourning was like the tartan of a Highland clan : it symbolised solidarity .
6 Solihull teachers were strongly so , but it should be recalled that only a relatively small proportion of them had had any direct experience of the process .
7 As a varnish stain colours and finishes in one operation , they are very popular , but it should be noted that because the colour is in the finish , each extra coat will make the surface darker , and if the varnish stain is not applied evenly , where the film is thicker , the colour will be darker .
8 You may recall that Bachop was outstanding during the World Cup , but it should be noted that he was playing for Western Samoa , not New Zealand .
9 But it should be noted that this document envisaged a definite stage of development in which Northern Ireland would be significantly changed as a result of success in achieving the reforms being demanded by the civil rights movement .
10 But it should be noted that this convergence need not be complete .
11 But it should be noted that a substantial minority ( 45 per cent ) of single adults caring for such parents were male .
12 Many other systems ( Riseman and Hanson , 1974 ; Ullman , 1977 ; Hull and Srihari , 1982 ) use similar methods with grams , but it should be noted that the majority of these are designed to check the spelling of typed input .
13 There is little systematic evidence of how people in other cultures get on with one another , but it should be noted that within a tribal community there may be such strong libidinal ties among the members that the interrelations among them appear peaceful , and may be so for quite long periods of time .
14 This is not the place to enter into a detailed discussion of different electoral systems and their advantages and disadvantages ; but it should be noted that those who oppose the general principle of proportional representation do not usually do so in terms of arguments about democracy and representation , but more often stress the need for strong and stable government .
15 It would superficially seem reasonable to accept 7.45 , but it should be noted that more of the highest third of pupils placed " pm " after the clock time than did pupils in other bands .
16 These are homologues of the stipital muscles of the maxilla but it should be noted that the glossae possess no muscles corresponding to the cranial flexors of the laciniae .
17 — The muscles of a typical alate segment are set out below , following a simplified version of Snodgrass 's ( 1935 ) scheme , but it should be noted that the prothorax differs in the absence of some flight-muscles .
18 The precise reasons for these changes are hard to establish without further analysis of census material , but it should be noted that some of the population increases in rural areas ( sometimes of more than 10 per cent ) are from very low population bases and therefore are not great numerically .
19 I shall not enter into a detailed discussion of this Labour government , its programme and effects , but it should be noted that over the years to 1951 , as more and more of the party 's electoral pledges were realised , there occurred what is often interpreted as a ‘ weakening of commitment ’ of both party and people to ‘ socialism ’ , and a progressive exhaustion of the political impetus for social and economic change .
20 These trends are perhaps not surprising but it should be noted that the result will be for schools in disadvantaged areas to lose pupils and to increase their unit costs per pupil .
21 The courses involved 140 main methods students ( four of whom were listed as non-native speakers ) , and a further 74 subsidiary methods students were reported ( but it should be noted that some courses failed to provide numbers ) .
22 Since we shall be concerned only with measurements in the NIR this will not affect us here , but it should be noted that a combination of NIR and red reflectance is usually considered to give better results than in the NIR alone , and in this case the presence of senescent material would need to be considered .
23 The advantages of Unix for multi-user systems are becoming more widely accepted in computing circles , but it should be noted that Unix versions of our specialist software packages are as yet unavailable .
24 We will look at these concepts later in the section , but it should be noted that not all ‘ object-oriented DBMS ’ presently support all the concepts associated with object-orientation .
25 A chronicle source confirms Langland 's remark about bread being made from materials other than grain , namely beans , peas and vetches , but it should be noted that this year , 1439 , saw a great dearth of corn , and the chronicler 's comment probably reflects the unusual nature of the food , at least in his eyes ; we do not know how far this view would be general and how far it was that of a man whose conditions were normally more affluent .
26 C adds to the 1017 entry that the exiled ætheling Eadwig was afterwards killed , which could imply that the original was written before this happened ; but it should be noted that the final sentence of the same annal , on Cnut 's marriage to Emma before 1 August , comes after the notice of Eadric of Mercia 's execution , which Florence of Worcester says happened at Christmas ; if so , the sentence on the marriage looks like a relatively late addition .
27 1.9 " Certificate " means a certificate by the Architect to the effect that in the opinion of the Architect Practical Completion of the Landlord 's Works has been achieved and " Practical Completion " shall for the purposes of this agreement have the same meaning as in the Building Contract ) The " opinion of the Architect " should be qualified to read " the reasonable opinion of the Architect " , but it should be noted that practical completion can be certified even when some works under the building contract are still outstanding .
28 High faecal worm egg counts are valuable confirmation of diagnosis , but it should be noted that suckled pups may show severe clinical signs before eggs are detected in the faeces .
29 Campbell focuses on girl shoplifters , but it should be stressed that other females who shoplift , perhaps pensioners or single parents , might do so for more basic material needs .
30 BELOW Building on such skeletons , artists can come up with impressions of what dinosaurs like Triceratops looked like , but it should be stressed that such images are no more than guesses .
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