Example sentences of "but it be [verb] [conj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The old system had fallen into disrepute because of its widespread use as a tax dodge , and because it encouraged conifer planting , but it is recognised that grants are not as effective .
2 Clearly , 1992 will pose many opportunities ( and threats ) to companies within the EC , but it is felt that things will not change overnight ; it will be more of a slow transitionary period and it could well take decades before we see an integration similar to that in the USA today .
3 ( There are no plans for national development of courses within batch 3 but it is hoped that resources will be available to allow SCOTVEC to support consortium development of courses ) .
4 There is good reason for its common name ; the bruised foliage , whose odour has mint-like associations , induces cats to roll all over the plant , eventually ruining it , but it is said that plants grown from seed will be safe until dying down , or withering for some reason .
5 No further information is available at present , but it is understood that police are interviewing the five people arrested . ’
6 The poll is not analysed , but it is striking that countries where pollution from cars has become a major problem have the highest percentages of people who believe that the state of the environment requires urgent action : 85 per cent in Italy ( at the top of the list ) , where Milan , one of the world 's smoggiest cities , now has car-free days and the capital Rome also suffers severely from vehicle congestion and pollution ; 84 per cent in Greece , where restrictions on cars in Athens are imposed to save the citizens ' lungs and their ancient monuments ; 80 per cent in the most vehicle emission-conscious country in Europe , West Germany , whose dead trees have become the symbol of pollution .
7 The majority were German Shepherds but it is known that Rottweilers did contribute .
8 The fully inclusive fare for the trip is £22 , but it is regretted that persons under 16 years can not participate .
9 Social security appeal tribunals are categorized as the least formal of the tribunals investigated , but it is reported that appellants nevertheless found attendance before them a nerve-wracking ordeal .
10 The school 's still shut but it 's hoped that pupils will return on Thursday .
11 Some reservations about this view have already been suggested , but it was acknowledged that elements of bargaining are by no means absent from the British scene .
12 This help took the form of the poor persons ' procedure in litigation but it was realised that procedures were no good unless those who might need them were aware of them .
13 But it was confirmed that aides urged the media to concentrate on the royal couple 's four-day tour rather than speculating on their relationship .
14 But it was confirmed that aides urged the media to concentrate on the royal couple 's four-day tour of Korea rather than speculating on their relationship .
15 It allowed John Gorsuch six months to begin to make search and a whole year from the time of commencing the said search to " … have use and employ all the ore metals or minerals he or they shall find during the said year for himself … " but it was providing that efforts , trials , and searches were diligently made , employing " four sufficient and skilled workmen thereat … "
16 The Court of Appeal reversed this decision , but it was held that instructions were relevant in deciding fitness for purpose .
17 There was a strong case against favouring one section of the community ( i.e. the farmers ) , but it was known that animals and poultry were hungry .
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