Example sentences of "but which have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The courts were re-organized and criminal offences re-classified , reforms which affected large numbers of people , but which had been achieved with a minimum of political controversy .
2 Of course farmers and pastoralists themselves have developed their own and usually effective methods of soil and water conservation which they had evolved themselves and suited their own social relations of production and ecological conditions , but which had been disrupted by the colonial experience ( see Ch. 4 for examples ) .
3 The most immediate effect of the ruling was that legislation enacted in a number of states ( including Alabama , Idaho , Kansas , Maine , and North Dakota ) which continued similar provisions to those within the Pennsylvania law , but which had been beset by legal challenges , would almost certainly be declared constitutional .
4 The new excise rate proposals replaced the compulsory uniform rates which it had originally proposed in 1987 , but which had been rejected by nearly all member countries .
5 The Romanian Parliament had issued objections on Nov. 28 to the referendum 's being held in those Ukrainian territories which between 1918 and 1940 had been part of Romania , namely Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia , but which had been ceded to Ukraine under the terms of the Molotov-Ribentropp pact .
6 The restaurant will be in a ground-floor room where Wright had intended to place it , but which had been occupied by the conservation department , ( now relocated , with the museum 's storage facilities , to the city 's West Side ) .
7 The budget proposal was also assailed for including measures which had been suggested by the Reagan adminstration but which had been abandoned after their rejection by Congress .
8 On 14 March 1643 he petitioned the House of Lords for payment for 300 barrels of gunpowder which he had shipped from Amsterdam , but which had been confiscated by Robert Rich , second Earl of Warwick [ q.v. ] , for use by the parliamentary armies .
9 Other issues with which I shall not detain the House but which have been mentioned by other hon. Members include the design of motor vehicles , the admirable Which ? survey , the question of insurance and rewarding those who take adequate precautions to secure their vehicles by having the means to immobilise them in case of theft , safety improvements and cases such as those in Swansea , where , for example , the local authority has now put attendants in several of the key car parks .
10 This charge also applies to items which would normally have been returned but which have been guaranteed by a Barclays Connect card or cheque guarantee card .
11 Technology is ‘ old-style ’ Philips 16 bit , the system that preceded the current and mor fashionable Bitstream process , but which has been found to be easier to ‘ tweak ’ for a desired effect .
12 At stake the image of a party which prides itself on being loyal , but which has been riven by dissent .
13 Beta Boo¨tis ( 3.5 ) is the nearest fairly bright star to the radiant of the meteor shower seen in early January , known as the Quadrantid shower because this was the region of a constellation , Quadrans ( the Quadrant ) which was proposed by J. E. Bode in 1775 but which has been deleted from modern maps .
14 In fact , although there are both surreal and baroque elements in his work , Gironella prefers to call it mestizo ’ , a term which has often had negative , racist overtones but which has been acclaimed in this century , especially in Mexico , as a positive value , indeed the distinguishing feature of Mexican culture : the rich and fruitful mixture of the European with the indigenous American .
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