Example sentences of "but this [adv] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But this simply underlines a point that psychoanalysis is , by the very nature biographical , thus historical point , er , historical methods to trace one 's actions and reports in the presents , present er , relation to those who they 've experienced in the past .
2 It is possible that there will be more than one round of interviews , but this simply introduces the repetition of some of the above activities The verdicts of interviewing panels must be recorded and where necessary reconciled with the preferences of applicants Offers of employment must be sent out including contracts Once these ( or alternatives ) have been accepted , rejection letters will be sent out .
3 So far the volume of queries has not been large , but this probably reflects the fact that many users get help from other users at their institution .
4 From 16 August 1946 , the extension of route 42 to Coombe Road was officially recognized and passengers carried , but this again necessitated the use of one more car .
5 But this obviously raises the question of whether any primacy is to be accorded to economic practice .
6 But this usually means the power amp is hardly ticking over in and so the resulting distortion is rarely fully representative of what the amp can do at full throttle .
7 But this too marked a climax and the end of a political epoch .
8 He means this as a compliment , but this merely demonstrates the extent to which his value of Helen is based on his will , rather than his judgement .
9 But this merely raises the problem of a definition of " truth conditions " and it is difficult to see how such a definition can steer clear of the question of " ontological commitment " .
10 But this merely shifts the problem where the conflict occurs and calls for a very careful examination of whether , and if so the way in which , the individual is exercising that right .
11 But this merely increases the sense in which the meaning of a non-observation statement is indeterminate .
12 Sergeant Curtis came in to report that a woman living near Riddle had seen him in Bay View Terrace on Friday evening , but this merely confirmed the route he had taken .
13 There are variant versions , but this perfectly fits the vase-picture : Theseus , the hero in the foreground ; Peirithous , the sad figure above him ; Herakles ; Athena , his constant aid ; dead heroes gathering round .
14 In captivity predation is not a problem , but this still leaves the question of mate recognition .
15 But this still leaves the question of why men do more of the higher-paid jobs .
16 But this hardly solves the problem of knowing how to obtain the relevant indices just when we need them .
17 On mathematics itself he published only eight pages , in ‘ On a Problem of Formal Logic ’ ( 1928 ) , but this subsequently became the basis of a whole branch of mathematics known as Ramsey theory .
18 You will get perfectly acceptable results from a WYSIWYG package so long as you work within the constraints the software imposes but this now becomes a design problem rather than a technological one .
19 It was extended to Deanshanger in 1888 , but this only lasted a year and then it was closed , as was the track down Creed Street to the Wolverton Goods Yard in 1893 .
20 An economic boom developed in the spring of 1919 , but this only lasted a year and when the Bank Rate was hoisted to 7 per cent in April 1920 , the short-lived social reform programme was terminated .
21 But this only restates the problem .
22 Forceful individuals might use the prestige of the patriarchate to wield political influence , but this only disguised the decline in the political weight of the Church .
23 To be fair the answer was in the manual but this only highlights the fact that the various packages do n't automatically integrate themselves with the InteMate manager .
24 But this only makes the headache seems worse and taking some form of exercise , like a walk , could see off the headache more quickly .
25 But this only confirmed the importance of AFHQ 's view , reflecting that of Churchill , that nothing should be done to provoke the Yugoslavs or exacerbate the tense situation until all military preparations had been made for full-scale action if necessary .
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