Example sentences of "but have [verb] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Whether she has yet reached the glorious state of fully-fledged butterfly remains a matter of interesting debate , but one thing is certain : each stage of transition has not only affected her personally , but has sent repercussions throughout the Royal Family and , most specifically , has completely changed the tenor of her marriage .
2 At the Chiswick Family Rescue in West London — a centre that almost closed but has survived thanks to the donations of Mirror Woman readers — she heard how abused women had sought and found sanctuary .
3 Torrance is renowned as one of the game 's finest strikers , but has had troubles on the greens since he came out on Tour in 1971 .
4 When ivy is seen growing throughout the crown of a dying tree it has rarely been responsible for the tree 's decline but has taken advantage of the crown which now lets through enough light for the ivy to grow away .
5 There is not one of the erroneous and superstitious beliefs of mankind that are supposed to have been superseded but has left vestiges at the present day in the lower strata of civilized peoples or even in the highest strata of cultivated society .
6 He 's denied murdering Elizabeth Howe , but has admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility .
7 But having turned awareness into the universal test of value we can not , as perhaps would most habitual users of the word , take the side of perceptual and emotional awareness against the abstractions of philosophy and science .
8 Nevertheless , it was widely suspected that Thomas 's race was an important consideration in his nomination , for not only was it politically expedient to maintain a black representative on the Supreme Court , but to have secured confirmation from the Democrat-controlled Senate for a white male conservative would have been almost impossible .
9 Following his talks with Chinese Premier Li Peng and other officials , characterized by the Chinese side as " beneficial " , Wilson said that the Chinese government had agreed to allow the scheme to proceed but had expressed reservations about the cost .
10 When Two Left Feet was eventually released , critics pointed out that it had become dated , but there was general praise for the performances of Crawford and his two female co-stars , all of whom had been unknown when they made the film but had become names by the time it was shown in cinemas .
11 He talked about those who had been fired by the spirit but had lost touch with the soul ; about unassimilated shadows which foisted evil on to enemies rather than bringing responsibility back home ; he talked of tight-ropes and sword-bridges and the narrow course between the clashing rocks .
12 The west German state airline Lufthansa had reportedly presented various purchase plans but had faced opposition from the Federal Cartel Office .
13 Barbara expected to pay something towards her court costs but had estimated £200 at the very most .
14 Many of the indigenous Cornish people of the area suffered symptoms but have accepted compensation from the Water Authority .
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