Example sentences of "but a [adj] [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Kahlo 's naked body becomes not just the tortured self of her personal biography but a visual counterpart to the injured and defiled manifestations of Mexico 's colonised past : La Llorona ‘ the weeping woman ’ of popular myth and La Chingada , the raped and abused mother described in Paz 's The Labyrinth of Solitude .
2 It was not alarmist or panicky , but a rational response to a real risk . ’
3 There is considerable suspicion and mistrust between many health services and local authorities , but a real commitment to the needs of society 's most vulnerable members could drive both sides to a fresh start .
4 At the end of the sequence , you may choose to close it with a fade out , but a straight cut to the first shot of the next sequence might be more brisk and businesslike .
5 According to Euro Disney 's senior vice president , Philippe Bourguignon , the architecture of entertainment is not only a distinct asset for the theme park , but a major contribution to the development of a new style of hotel architecture in Europe .
6 But in that case , why could they not have called in the authorities and have the other fellows cleared out ? — only this would have made but a tame end to the story .
7 ‘ it is not the great mass of publications ( each constituting but a minor increment to the sum of human knowledge ) which contribute most to scientific progress , but a small number of key papers , each of which has a very great impact on the advance of knowledge … only a very few elite scientists produce work that becomes the base for future discoveries . ’
8 He knew that Sharpe 's insults were more than mere anger , but a deliberate provocation to a duel .
9 From the dependence and normal justification theses it is but a short step to the pre-emption thesis .
10 Once the state arrogates to itself the power to decide on all economic matters it is but a short step to the physical direction of labour .
11 The walk goes upstream , but a short detour to the right should be made to enter the impressive ravine of Easegill Kirk where , in a choke of boulders below towering walls , the beck travels underground to a resurgence in daylight at Leck Beck Head .
12 Her chicken-pox had turned out not to be chicken-pox but an over-violent reaction to a takeaway pizza .
13 Not perhaps a first choice for the work , but an enjoyable addition to an indispensable Perséphone .
14 This procedure is not often made explicit , but an overt commitment to the constructed-data approach has recently been expressed in the following terms :
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