Example sentences of "but i was [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He talked on , but I was no longer listening .
2 Ellen was still arguing with me as Thessy and I climbed in and backfired away , but I was no longer listening .
3 I was n't brave then ; I was never brave , but I was not yet broken .
4 ‘ I played in the friendlies against Wolves and Peterborough but I was not really fit enough , and still felt tired , but that was hardly surprising as these were my first two games .
5 But I was n't exactly strolling along enjoying myself .
6 Ah but I was n't just meaning on the concrete bit .
7 I could hear impatient noises , but I was n't really paying close attention . ’
8 well I mean the , the agent has n't or has n't yet sued , but I was n't really putting it like that , I was asking you whether it is your case as in presently stand looking at the defence you 've raised to whether or not you have failed to perform your legal obligations under clause nine .
9 And he wanted to help me to get under way you see but I was n't long started farming .
10 I was disappointed that my mother was n't there for the birth , but I was n't totally devastated .
11 But I was hardly ever allowed to kiss her .
12 I could have been married many times , as everyone knows , but I was always so involved with my father 's business and then my own , life was always so full , that I let the opportunities slip by .
13 I wanted to say , as I believed , that the consul was an English person of good sense with a proper grasp of facts , but I was too well brought up to state unequivocally that all foreigners , including Nour , were superstitious and given to exaggeration and unnecessary alarms .
14 From far away I head voices ( Anne 's voice , said part of my mind … stop , that 's Anne 's voice ) but I was too far gone .
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