Example sentences of "but it can [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It causes leaks and blockages in the system , and is a contributor to pump failure , but it can be prevented by the addition of special chemicals .
2 But it can be argued outside the question of the monarchy .
3 But it can be altered as time goes by , if a client can afford extra premiums , their salary allows them to have extra increases , it can be altered , but would nec would possibly want medical underwriting for any future increasing .
4 For iron this reaction is written : Iron usually exists in the bivalent ferrous state ( Fe 2 + ; ) in most rock-forming minerals , but it can be converted by oxidation to the trivalent ferric form ( Fe 3 + ; ) with the effect that the neutral charge of the crystal structure is upset and can only be regained by the loss of other cations .
5 All that is a bit abstract but it can be earthed by an example .
6 It is very difficult to introduce a single specimen into an established tank , especially with a tank that contains adults , but it can be achieved with a little care .
7 We can not do this overnight , but it can be achieved with gradual development over a number of years .
8 The 140 mile main route takes 12 days to complete but it can be done in sections .
9 But it can be done inside the head .
10 It 'll always be a sterling fund , but it can be moved into other currencies , or into gilts , as your fund obviously is .
11 As it stands , this maximin problem is not an LP but it can be made into one by observing that it is equivalent to maximising subject to min and the constraints .
12 As it stands , this operation requires three addresses , but it can be made into a two-address operation by making the source and the destination strings the same ; thus the vith entry in the table replaces the ith character in the source string .
13 I shall not pursue the point here , but it can be developed into one of the explanations for why particular arms races stabilize and do not go on for ever — do not lead to predators pursuing their prey at Mach 2 and so on .
14 It was adopted and successfully applied to clone PCR-fragments into the polylinker of the phage M13mp18 , but it can be extended to phagemids .
15 The cost of a relationship can never be totally abolished , but it can be minimised by extending the common interests .
16 His Omphalos ( 1858 ) was written in the year before the Origin of Species , so it is not a reply to it ; but it can be seen as a reply in anticipation .
17 All six bits are used to represent most symbols in the character set , but it can be seen from Figure 2.19 that the digits 0 to 9 are represented by the four numeric digits , with the zone bits set to " 00 " .
18 Yeah , but it can be treated in this country .
19 Its function is basically to cover a woman 's hair and hide the shape of her breasts but it can be worn in a variety of ways , draped round the top half of her body and head , folded over her chest and hanging over her shoulders or loosely placed round her neck .
20 Cheshire is actually sold when it is one to two months old , but it can be matured for over a year .
21 This kick may be very fast , but it can be detected by an opponent much earlier than many other kicks in karate .
22 As it stands , this definition of is rather cumbersome , but it can be restated in a more succinct form as follows ( noting that f(3) = 5 ) , where and , and λ 1 , … , λ 4 > 0 , provided that λ 1 1 , … , λ 4 constitute a Special Ordered Set ( SOS ) .
23 declared for people who are buying houses and etcetera and it has a certain statutory status but it but it can be looked at again clearly .
24 As the solar luminosity rose some of this CO 2 would have been liberated , but it can be shown to be unlikely that sufficient CO 2 would be liberated to yield present conditions .
25 This has not been shown yet , but it can be shown by running a complete analogue of the argument .
26 Some creasing is inevitable but it can be minimized by judicious stretching of the liner as the pool fills .
27 It is n't so good at irregular layouts of the sort often used in advertising — but it can be used for this purpose .
28 I love it just as it is but it can be sauced with burnt brandy .
29 But it can be helped by giving an injection and it will clear up of its own accord eventually .
30 And I think it 's very important that people can come and talk to you and some representative 's of the board because there is unrest Tom and I 'm not prepared to stick my neck out and say in what quarter this lies but it can be got over it can be ironed out because running a theatre is to do with team spirit and that team spirit get 's conveyed to the public .
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