Example sentences of "but the [noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I did n't particularly enjoy being a guest of Her Majesty but the experience gave me the chance to get my priorities straight , ’ he said .
2 But the driver told her the cost had risen by 1p the previous day .
3 ‘ I 'll give you a hand until the rush dies down and then I thought I 'd get on with the account orders for tomorrow , ’ she said casually , but the girl gave her a strange look , and Folly had a nasty feeling that her voice was n't as fully under control as she had thought .
4 The poor sod does n't like it , but the boss gave him no choice .
5 She hesitated to call it a party , but the hostess thought it a good opporotunity to invite round like-minded friends .
6 Thomas Reed and Barnacle marine have said that they will appeal against the decision , but the judge refused them a stay of the injunction pending the hearing of the appeal .
7 But the CO vetoes me every time . ’
8 To publish falsely , of an Irish priest , that he informed on members of the IRA is not defamatory : it may cause him to be executed by terrorists , but the law offers him no way of securing a correction .
9 but the translation granted me a roadful of quaint sheep .
10 The silver threepenny piece that I received as reward was hard earned but the episode taught me a lesson early in life — that good results are only achieved by extra effort .
11 He was a queer fish , but the town gave him a rough ride when they got the chance . ’
12 It 's stable enough on level ground with the optional plastic stabilising base fitted to the cartridge , but the height makes it a little wobbly on rough ground .
13 Fearnley Whittingstall wished to address the jury , but the coroner refused him the right to do so .
14 But the rook paid her no attention , did not fly at her crying in a human voice Go back !
15 I remember being unable to connect those grainy breasts and pubic hair with anything in my own life — flesh , for instance — but the image gave me a mysterious frisson which I mistakenly took for sex .
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