Example sentences of "not a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Registration is not a safeguard against damage and the Post Office will only pay compensation if the contents were adequately packed .
2 Until the end of the last century , knitting was not a pastime in Dent but a livelihood .
3 Oman is not a member of OPEC but is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council ( GCC ) and is thus sensitive to the interests of other Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia .
4 She made him up a bed on the high white divan in her living-room — not a heap of sleeping-bags and blankets but a real bed , with laundered sheets and pillows in emerald green cotton cases .
5 However , high population densities are certainly not a prerequisite for inequalities and a class structure to arise .
6 The interior of the country is an inhospitable desert of mountains and moors and innumerable lochs : not a desert of desolation but of beautiful and dramatic landscapes .
7 Despite the scattered details , this was not a description of topography or social structure , but a collection of legal and fiscal rights .
8 It 's not a base of knowledge but a subset that can be easily manipulated .
9 It promises , not a bedrock to philosophy and lifestyle , but a feast of weird explanations , a mental trip .
10 It has to be remembered that Britain of the 1920s was not a land of milk and honey .
11 Not a word of gratefulness and not a word of forgiveness and not a word of love .
12 This seemed unnecessary , for Miss Logan had not a word of Turk or Russo or Kurdish or whatever mixture it was the other two communicated in ; but she did as she was told .
13 Not a word of gratefulness and not a word of forgiveness and not a word of love .
14 Lady after lady breathed heavier when Pen dashed in and out , and on the days when Wilson was a little late with the supper — which she now undertook to provide — on account of having been delayed taking tea with Mrs Browning there was not a word of complaint but only a diffident enquiry as to how the venerable poetess had seemed .
15 It is not a history of diagnosis or treatment but of policies and institutions and their relationship to theories of the child mind .
16 So , you know what these girls are , they sort of I personally , you know , as it were a trained scientist , a certified chemist who you tend to , to take a , a slightly er diagnostic view of things , but that 's not quite right , but you take a slightly objective view of things and I , I , I , I 've been thinking to myself ah it is rotten unfair on girls because sometimes sort of between about fifteen and twenty five , but now I suppose because they 're all growing up so much earlier it 's between ten and twenty , they have a pretty monumental change , they , and , and it 's not a bundle of laughs but they can talk to their friends , they can see their friends and talk to their mothers , they can get a vague way it 's gon na affect them and they can you know , sort of , let's say twenty , twenty five settle into a routine which has variations every , during the four weeks and they vary between individuals , I mean it 's well known
17 you know that s some do n't really have a great deal of problem , others really do have a sort of off work for two or three days every month and it 's not a bundle of laughs because , you know , that really must be difficult , but they , they get a rough idea of how it for them
18 And remember too , despite what we 've been brought up to believe , a suntan is not a symbol of health and fitness .
19 As we have a school of excellence for soccer , why not a school for whingers where they could go in an effort to be cured ?
20 It 's not a case of helping because in the letters I know what , I know what I 'm doing , I 'm just , I 'm just gone to ,
21 watched — observed — reflected and finally determined that this was not a case of fortitude and resignation only .
22 This is not a case of individuals that are badly nourished failing to reproduce effectively , he says .
23 However Springette v Defoe [ 1992 ] Fam Law 459 ( which was not a case between husband and wife ) decided that where there had been no discussion between the parties about their respective beneficial interests , the Court could not infer an intention of equal shares ; the shares were presumed to be in proportion to their respective contributions .
24 An entry on the register is not a finding of fact or confirmation of guilt .
25 It is in fact not a doctrine of neutrality but of moral pluralism .
26 There 's not a motorway for miles but the town straddles a new kind of super- highway , as sophisticated as anything in Europe .
27 There is not a shred of evidence that fearsome beasts were ritually slaughtered in the arena or lissome slave-girls routinely sacrificed on the altars of scowling deities .
28 With some horses , animation that is not a response to anxiety or fear , becomes a thing of the past ; but with others , especially Arabians , cheerfulness and animation continue as a consistent part of their personality .
29 Goldring says : ‘ It is not a response to PMA and contains nothing about civil defence ’ .
30 Nothing in section 13 is to prevent an act from being actionable in tort on a ground specified in section 13(1) where ( a ) the contract interfered with in respect of which the action is brought is not a contract of employment and ( b ) there has been secondary action which does not satisfy the requirements of section 17 .
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