Example sentences of "not a [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 Registration is not a safeguard against damage and the Post Office will only pay compensation if the contents were adequately packed .
2 It promises , not a bedrock to philosophy and lifestyle , but a feast of weird explanations , a mental trip .
3 It has to be remembered that Britain of the 1920s was not a land of milk and honey .
4 Not a word of gratefulness and not a word of forgiveness and not a word of love .
5 Not a word of gratefulness and not a word of forgiveness and not a word of love .
6 And remember too , despite what we 've been brought up to believe , a suntan is not a symbol of health and fitness .
7 watched — observed — reflected and finally determined that this was not a case of fortitude and resignation only .
8 However Springette v Defoe [ 1992 ] Fam Law 459 ( which was not a case between husband and wife ) decided that where there had been no discussion between the parties about their respective beneficial interests , the Court could not infer an intention of equal shares ; the shares were presumed to be in proportion to their respective contributions .
9 Nothing in section 13 is to prevent an act from being actionable in tort on a ground specified in section 13(1) where ( a ) the contract interfered with in respect of which the action is brought is not a contract of employment and ( b ) there has been secondary action which does not satisfy the requirements of section 17 .
10 The House of Lords held that this agreement was not a contract of sale and that the customer was not a ‘ buyer . ’
11 It was not a call to workaholism and a sense of achievement , but to an abiding relationship with him .
12 supposed to be an inter-disciplinary mixture of physics and chemistry , in other words , not a bit of physics and a bit of chemistry that you did in isolation , but to be integrated .
13 This book is not a text in method and neither will its empirical core be used as a peg for methodological debates .
14 For this is not a journey of peace and tranquillity but a struggle requiring constant effort and application .
15 God 's Kingdom is not a matter of eating and drinking , but of the righteousness , peace and joy which the Holy Spirit gives .
16 This time it is not a matter of rate-capping and ‘ the cuts ’ , though they no doubt played a part , but of decisions to recast teacher training .
17 These periods of low-voltage sleep were called " emergent stage I " because subjects were not as easily roused as from " ordinary " sleep onset Stage I sleep , and because , being continuous with deeper stages of sleep , these periods of light sleep were obviously not a transition between wakefulness and sleep , in the way that sleep onset Stage I seemed to be .
18 The weather did its best for us , not a drop of rain and four days of glorious cycling in unspoiled countryside , small villages and quiet roads .
19 Unlike other non-operative treatments , a non-functioning gall bladder with a stone impacted in Hartmann 's pouch is not a contraindication to treatment and stones were removed successfully in 15 of 16 patients with a return of cystic duct patency .
20 This was open desert , and there was not a dune in sight and it was firm underfoot .
21 It is a savage and immensely powerful piece of sculpture , reminding one that Christianity is not a religion of sweetness and light and that much of its appeal must have lain in its very primitivism .
22 The episode shows , as Whyte says , ‘ not a clash between Church and State but a shifting consensus involving them both , ( 1980:399 ) .
23 The provision of accommodation for a child under s20(1) is not a solution to homelessness and should not be offered to relieve a housing authority of its obligations under the Housing Acts .
24 The evidence that the continents have drifted , that South America did indeed break away from Africa for instance , is now literally overwhelming , but this is not a book about geology and I shall not spell it out .
25 It 's not an escape route from all your troubles and all your problems , it 's not an escape route from all the difficulties and all the unpleasant things in life , it 's not a pathway of ease and of , of in , of un paralleled bliss and enjoyment day after day .
26 To make them think there 's not a lot of work and that you know ?
27 ‘ And , in order to keep the twins happy , we must make sure that we 're not a picture of doom and gloom , ’ he continued firmly .
28 This suggests that oesophageal dysmotility in this condition is a primary phenomenon and not a consequence of injury and inflammation .
29 The plaintiffs argue that the same principle should apply in favour of making an order that the defendant should deliver up such property on the basis that such an order is not an order for discovery and that the authorities relating to discovery have no application .
30 Perhaps Lucy would have melted weakly into his bony arms had not an expression of dismay and incredulity come over his face .
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