Example sentences of "not [be] [verb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was now clear that the Council could not be concluded in a single session .
2 Cruelty often has a hidden sexual element which may or may not be evinced in the actual nature of the offence .
3 In particular , contingent entities can not be individuated in an absolute sense by any kind of descriptive phrase .
4 Hence word shape information need not be stored in the inverted look-up structure , it can be generated from the matched words at run-time and compared with the shape of the unknown word being searched for .
5 Many non-socialist supporters of markets argue too that the pursuit of ex ante planning as a substitute for the ex post coordination of economic activity through the market can not be achieved in a complex society and that its pursuit is actually destructive of very basic individual freedoms .
6 This , of course , is a long-term aim and will not be achieved in the first season .
7 If possible the runs should not be placed in the same areas in successive years .
8 Troughs should not be placed in the very corner of paddocks or yards .
9 How section 60(2) is to be construed and applied in such a case , or in the equivalent case of an assignment , is a question that need not be decided in the instant case .
10 This may not be covered in the initial simple descriptions of the portfolio grids , but one would expect the underlying risk analysis to include such matters .
11 It would depend both on his precise mental state , whether he was capable of lucid moments at the particular time , and the particular treatment involved ; for instance , refusal of therapeutic drugs prescribed to control dangerous behaviour would not be regarded in the same light as refusal to have a tooth extracted .
12 Mr Major has let it be known privately that the chancellor will not be moved in the New Year reshuffle .
13 They are active things which perceive , think , and will , and these properties can not be represented in a passive idea .
14 As with fixed-point arithmetic , the results of some floating-point operations can not be represented in the standard format .
15 They tended to locate component supplies in lower-income countries to create two-way trade with Japan ; they did not replace the trade in finished products ( Kojima , 1978 ) .6 The Japanese moves can not be explained in the defensive product-cycle terms ; they were offensive in the sense that they were designed to establish positions that permitted new world-scale advantages to be created by subsequent expansion .
16 These features are just as important to efficient performance as are data about plant functions but they can not be incorporated in a man-machine allocation process .
17 There is no reason why both should not be advertised in the usual way .
18 Clearly selling a second-hand car without an ignition key or registration document would not be acting in the ordinary course of business .
19 At the time of the institution of the main proceedings , the applicants ' 95 fishing vessels failed to satisfy one or more of the conditions for registration under section 14 of the Act of 1988 and thus could not be registered in the new register .
20 Many of the criminal laws which affect the media — official secrets and prevention of terrorism , and most of the laws relating to contempt , reporting restrictions and obscenity — can not be invoked in the criminal courts by anyone except the Attorney-General or the Director of Public Prosecutions ( who works under the Attorney 's superintendence ) .
21 The Convention can not be invoked in the English courts to strike down ministerial or bureaucratic actions which imperil free speech : such actions can only be attacked on the very limited " judicial review " basis offered by domestic law , ie if they are unreasonable , irrational or perverse .
22 It was argued that users of financial statements should be aware that the performance of complex organisations can not be summarised in a single number and that to obtain a proper understanding of such performance , knowledge of a range of important aspects is required .
23 That naivety will not be repeated in the new Bill .
24 The view expressed by Lawani & Bayer , that self-citations are used as an ego-enhancement , can not be tested in the present case , and should be rejected in the absence of evidence , because it is essential for an author to be able to refer back to the unpublished parts of theses .
25 Clearly , the work of such agencies can not be conducted in the full glare of the political process , but there are enormous risks also in leaving such agencies uncontrolled and unaccountable , as is graphically illustrated by reference to the recent history of the FBI .
26 NB When using pile fabrics which can not be ironed in the same way , cut the bump 2.5cm ( 1in ) larger than the buckram all round .
27 There are no phenomena , no " occult " mental properties , he argues , that can not be analysed in a physical causal context .
28 But this would mean asserting another existential proposition , and moreover one that patently can not be analysed in the same way ; so the problem of sorting out the significance of existence claims would still remain unresolved .
29 Within these limits , which can not be said in a free society possessing elective legislative institutions to be narrow or constrained , judges , as the remarkable judicial career of Lord Denning himself shows , have a genuine creative role .
30 California 's philosophy underpinning its seismic codes holds that a building should not be damaged in a minor quake , should suffer no more than minor structural damage in a moderate quake and not collapse in a major quake .
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