Example sentences of "not [be] [adj] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would not be possible to talk of error of law at all unless such elements did have a ‘ given ’ meaning because , says Gould , such language implies a departure from a criterion laid down by the courts .
2 I take the squad to Holland every year and that is something I would like to see continued but I have other ideas which it may not be possible to put into practice .
3 An individual who is domiciled outside the United Kingdom shall not be chargeable to tax in respect of the sum which is deemed to be his under s739 if he would not have been chargeable to tax in respect of it if it had been in fact his income .
4 The first limb provides that if the recipient is domiciled outside the United Kingdom and the benefit is not received in the United Kingdom then the recipient shall not be chargeable to tax by reference to relevant income which is such that if he had received it he would not by reason of his being so domiciled have been chargeable to tax in respect of it .
5 From this it was concluded that , although the principles of identifying systemic information links by this method appeared sound and it could be achieved to a limited extent by using the facilities of a flat-file database , it would not be cost-effective to pursue without access to more sophisticated technology .
6 It can not be useful to talk about population growth ( Nature 362 , 379 ; 1993 ) as a ‘ threat to the global commons ’ that may need to be ‘ dealt with by coercion ’ before it becomes bothersome to ‘ the rest of us ’ , which I assume means those of us lucky enough to live in countries where contraceptives are readily available .
7 Thus , without prior agreement , they may not disclose confidential information to their backers as this could damage the business of the company and affect the price which the vendors may be able to obtain for their shares ; they may not be able to vote at board meetings on major issues affecting the company if those issues might adversely affect a possible management buy-out ; and they can not involve any of their colleagues in the buy-out or persuade staff to become involved .
8 As long as there is a good reason why you will not be able to vote in person on election day you can apply to vote by post or proxy .
9 Ask the electoral registration officer for an application form ( RPF9 ) as soon as an election has been announced and you know that you will not be able to vote in person .
10 If there are few good journals in a specialty , editors may not be able to publish during tenure unless some mechanism can be found to allow for this eventuality .
11 We have already seen that you will not be able to rely upon employment law rights if , in reality , you are not an employee or if your contract is unenforceable , as when it involves an element of illegality .
12 Dear Steve Racist Liar Prat , your theft of my copyrights and your brief ‘ celebration ’ of your ‘ scoop ’ , which you paraded to your fellow racist crooks at my expense , has been noted and you shall be , believe me , very sorry that you sought to persist in gloating in your backward , immoral capacity to confect racist lies on the assumption that I shall not be able to retaliate in kind .
13 recommendations happy with them , is there any reason why we 'll not be able to proceed without delay .
14 Equally the buyer will not be able to sue for non-delivery unless he was ready and willing to pay or else it had been agreed that he could have credit .
15 It follows therefore , that a fireman fighting a fire at a factory which is not his place of employment , will not be able to sue for breach of such a statutory duty ( Hartley v Mayoh & Co [ 1954 ] 1 QB 383 ) .
16 We 'll not be able to break with tradition .
17 thumped this girl back , he says and I told him he will not be able to stay at school for dinner
18 After that time any light emitted from the star would not be able to escape to infinity but would be dragged back by the gravitational field .
19 As earn outs are based on future performance and are only payable in the future , they enable the purchaser to agree to a price it may not be able to afford at completion and which it will not be obliged to pay unless profits are generated .
20 No , I 'm just trying to work out how long I 'm gon na be practising for West Side Story tomorrow because you might have to take my money my pocket money tomorrow I might not be able to get like home , sort of cos er I I might be practising till bloody six o'clock for all I know so I 'll get some chips or something .
21 Right , and you simply may not be able to switch into milk production or horticulture , because you do n't have the technological know-how , or the soil may be inappropriate , the climate may be inappropriate , right , so that 's another factor , influencing , well making er , supply quite rigid , quite inflexible in , in the short run .
22 Pursuing the notion of building sex education into the curriculum , I asked whether they would not be embarrassed to talk about sex with a teacher they saw around all the time .
23 A further clause provided that the plaintiff would not be entitled to claim for breach of warranty if the material matter had been fairly disclosed to the plaintiff in the disclosure letter but that no other information of which the plaintiff had knowledge would prejudice any claim by the plaintiff under the warranties .
24 On the one hand Europe favoured détente , but on the other , they also needed US protection and were concerned that , if the worst came to the worst , Carter would not be prepared to go to war to save Europe .
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