Example sentences of "not [vb infin] a [noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If an animal does not eat a food item at one moment but does later , it may only be because it was not hungry before , not because it has learned to see it .
2 Governments argue that they can not make a development omelette without breaking heads .
3 The amendment requires the court to give reasons if it does not make a compensation order in circumstances where it has power to do so .
4 There can be few of us who can not make a daisy chain with our eyes closed — and who could forget the daisy-spangled downs and pastures where we loved to picnic ?
5 When you show the results of your labour to a friend or relative they do not make a minute examination of every component .
6 ( 2 ) Where the licensing board decides to hold a hearing as mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) above : ( a ) the clerk of the board shall serve on the holder of the licence , not less than 21 days before the hearing , a notice that the board proposes to hold the hearing specifying the grounds on which the board proposes to hold the hearing ; ( b ) the board shall not make a closure order without hearing the holder of the licence unless , after receiving due notice of the hearing , the holder fails to appear .
7 The choice of a tie will not make a dullard shine at work or help him get the girl of his dreams .
8 President Bush said yesterday that he did not want a trade war with European countries .
9 ‘ I do not want a health service of spot markets and predatory hospitals and product lines .
10 Under the charter-party , payment was to be in ‘ cash ’ into a London bank by a Sunday , but the charterer 's London bank did not deliver a payment order to the owner 's bank until the Monday .
11 The magistrate did not consider a barrack changing-room to be a proper address , and so I was ordered to be confined in a bail hostel in Camden Town while social reports were completed .
12 A court can not substitute a care order for a supervision order on an application for discharge .
13 He would not predict a growth figure for the full year , saying ‘ we never forecast future figures . ’
14 A further gain is that we do not need a sampling frame for the 10 000 cattle but only for each of the 10 herds ; such a frame could be constructed on the investigator 's arrival at a farm .
15 The business being sold , which does not include a freehold site at Atlanta , Georgia , makes timber treatment chemicals under the ‘ Supatimber ’ name .
16 The report does not include a dilapidation schedule of minor repairs ‘ electrical tests , heating and plumbing tests .
17 Arrange with your vet for the appropriate medication to be available and do not buy a scour mixture on price or free gift basis … the bugs can not wear the wellies !
18 Although Australia remain one of the few countries to have taken part in every Summer Olympiad ( Greece , Switzerland and Great Britain are the others ) , they did not bring a cricket team to Paris .
19 We would therefore not expect a yield curve to be constructed using both government and corporate bonds , since these would be from different risk classes .
20 You can not expect a reference book to be quite as gripping as an adventure novel , but all the same I read it cover to cover .
21 The European Court further ruled in this case that Arts 48 and 59 of the EC Treaty do not prevent a member state from requiring that the exercise of the profession of auditor in that state by a person qualified to carry on that profession in another member state be subject to conditions which are objectively necessary to guarantee observation of professional rules concerning the permanence of the infrastructure in place for the completion of the work , the effective presence in the member state and assurance of the observation of professional ethics , unless respect for such rules and conditions is already guaranteed by a reviseur d'entreprises , whether a natural person or a firm , established and recognised in the state , and in whose service is placed , for the duration of the work , the person who intends to exercise the profession of auditor .
22 ( a ) The principle of non-discrimination presupposed the existence of the concept of nationality , but article 7 did not prevent a member state from deciding who were eligible to be its nationals or from deciding which vessels were entitled to fly its flag .
23 Sexual orientation , however , is not directly relevant : being gay does not give a man access to better ‘ survival ’ chances .
24 On the one hand , the legislation should not become a hunting ground for lawyers whereby the court , on review , would have to interpret every minute point of law .
25 But in 1979 the creation of peace was clearly a settling of an account : should a quarrel between a Zuwaya and men from Zliten occur in the future , that particular issue could not become a component element of it , for all the shaikhs concerned had agreed that the peace made was a good one .
26 Although this may well be a valuable facility , it really forms no more than an appendage to the database , since we can not search a videodisc image for details within it in the way we can search text .
27 I conclude now , with even more emphasis than before , that the over-valuation of sterling , superimposed on very deeply entrenched adverse long-term trends in overseas trade , will ensure that our foreign trade performance will not warrant a growth rate of more than 1–2 per cent at the very most during the next five years .
28 ‘ And if you can not see a Merkut hand behind what has happened , so are you . ’
29 Due to the tunnel going through several types of rock of varying hardness , the tunnellers can not use a tunnelling machine like the ones used in the Channel tunnel work .
30 You addressed a visible problem but bear in mind that awful things can happen in the clearest of ponds if you do not use a test kit on a regular basis .
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