Example sentences of "not [vb infin] at the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was talking but could not think at the same time .
2 The Whites had vast total forces but the separate forces did not attack at the same time .
3 The sequence was still largely without dates , and more importantly , the development from one broad technological phase to another did not occur at the same time everywhere .
4 As Levi-Strauss was to argue , different histories have different temporalities : the time scales of the sciences do not work at the same pace as other forms of history : they have their own dynamic , their own rhythm , their own times , sometimes fast , sometimes slow , that do not operate by the ordinary round of the year ; Bachelard was fond of pointing out that from a scientific point of view the ten years from 1920 to 1930 were as long an era as the previous five hundred .
5 A proxy may not vote at the same election for more than two people unless the proxy is a close relative ie husband , wife , parent , grandparent , brother , sister , child or grandchild of the people he or she is voting for .
6 Fleury would have liked to have gone , too , but both he and Harry could not go at the same time ; someone had to stay behind to fight off the sepoys .
7 As Einstein expressed it : ‘ The world that we have made at the level of thinking we have done so far , creates problems we can not solve at the same level of thinking ’ .
8 She sort of froze for a moment , tried to smile and not smile at the same time , looked uncomprehendingly at me , turned ever so slightly towards the farther side of the road from me and walked away with quick nervous steps .
9 The rains do not come at the same time each year and yet the guinea fowl always seem to know when the wet season is about to begin .
10 If British Rail is under pressure to increase the frequency of its service , there is a case for a coordinated transport system operating bus and rail services , If there is a need for transport when it is not convenient to run rail services , or if only a certain number of trains can run on a line because goods trains and passenger services can not operate at the same time — although perhaps British Rail should be more innovative in its mix of passenger and freight services perhaps it is a good idea for British Rail and the bus services — as they are today , not as they will be affected by the Bill — to get together .
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