Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [adv prt] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Top-up arrangements are not permitted as part of a tender offer ( SAR 4.1(c) ) so the buyer could not make up the difference to shareholders who have already sold if a full bid on improved terms is made subsequently .
2 When current and capital expenditure in these areas is substantially reduced , private enterprise inevitably suffers , for it can not make up the loss by diverting its activities to other private sectors .
3 The position had been reached where she could not make out the labels on the cans of food she was heating up .
4 She could not make out the patch of canary-coloured light on the opposite wall , could not make out why the sun was shining and why her brown-stained hand , on the sheet , would not move for cold .
5 Many grounds of public law illegality do not rule out the making of the same decision again .
6 According to some reports Shamir refused Baker 's request to issue a statement , saying that Israel would not rule out the idea of discussing land for peace at a later date .
7 As we did not perform endoscopy in this control group , we can not rule out the inclusion of a few patients with gastritis .
8 Mr Berecz said he still considered himself a member of the old party and refused to recognise the new one — despite voting for its establishment — but did not rule out the possibility of seeking admission to it .
9 The Ford has a more aerodynamic shape than the Mercedes , which means better fuel consumption , and he will not rule out the possibility of switching to Transits at 3.5 tonnes at some stage .
10 Det Chief Insp Dave Sinclair said that although they could not rule out the possibility of someone else having fired the machine , the incident was now being treated as an accident .
11 In the next section we shall look at the position of theists and of atheists when they do not rule out the possibility of dialogue with one another on grounds of unintelligibility , whether the unintelligibility be God-given or humanly made .
12 Although Humphrey emphasises that one can not rule out the possibility of auto workers being a conservative force in the future , he does demonstrate that , at this particular historical-political conjuncture , their militant action provided a catalyst for change for the working class .
13 Even if there has been an infection , this does not rule out the possibility of food sensitivity : diarrhoea of any sort can sensitize the gut so that foods which were previously eaten without trouble now produce symptoms .
14 At that time Paul Lee did not rule out the possibility of other families in South Ronaldsay being involved in the ritual sexual abuse that was alleged .
15 This does not rule out the possibility of critique which by investigation of the structure and forms of ideology as materialized expression ( discourse ) , can affect the forms of human practice .
16 In effect , this means that the use of feminine forms provides more specific information than the use of masculine forms can be said to provide ; it rules out the possibility of masculine reference , whereas the use of masculine forms does not rule out the possibility of feminine reference .
17 That it may have been difficult for members to attend area sessions , should not rule out the possibility of encouraging collaboration among groups of local boards .
18 And yesterday Taoiseach Albert Reynolds did not rule out the possibility of the contest being held in the province , but 24 hours later RTE chief John Sorohan said Dublin would be the most likely venue .
19 This move was necessitated by the country 's Constitution — which stipulated that the current agreement should be allowed to expire in 1991 — and Manglapus did not rule out the possibility of negotiating a new bases treaty .
20 Walsh did not rule out the possibility of criminal charges against former members of Reagan 's Cabinet , however , and there were strong suggestions that former Attorney General Edwin Meese had become a key target of the investigation .
21 The likes of Arrow , Hahn and Malinvaud would certainly not rule out the possibility of Keynesian demand deficient unemployment .
22 President Clinton says he can not rule out the possibility of further action against Iraq following the row over the UN 's role as observer .
23 He would not rule out the possibility of more redundancies after the Mergers and Monopolies Commission publishes its report on competition in the gas market in two months .
24 It is the coach 's intention to have experience at the core of his team , bearing in mind the exceptional nature of the opposition , but Roxburgh did not rule out the possibility of a new arrival suddenly thrusting himself into consideration for one of Scotland 's remaining World Cup qualifying ties on the strength of a display against the Germans .
25 But the couple did not rule out the possibility after 34-year-old Cheggers ' TV confession of his illness on Thursday .
26 He said he did not rule out the involvement of foreign agencies but cautioned : ‘ It is too early to pinpoint a particular agency or country . ’
27 Of course , this does not rule out the use of naturalistic facts so long as an objective notion of validity is employed — the validity of inductive inference could turn on features of the context in which it is carried out , or the perceptual apparatus of the reasoner .
28 The Chief of Staff of the Turkish armed forces Gen. Dogan Gures did not rule out the establishment of a Turkish security zone in the Iraqi mountains .
29 While this does not rule out the risk of a change of regime there , it does cut down the danger of a simple change of heart by the existing government .
30 Correlations calculated this way are generally smaller than those that would have been obtained by correlating the averages but because they do not average out the variance from different subjects they provide a more realistic assessment of the size of an effect for any individual subject .
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