Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [to-vb] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But it was the only one available , since Jarvis did not want to let the other rooms on the second floor .
2 The reason for this lenient approach is that the court will not want to undermine the statutory regulations which are often designed to protect workmen from the consequences of their own carelessness .
3 Ferranti carried on with the contracts because it did not want to give the purported customers an excuse not to pay back the credit .
4 Not just for Paris either : on the evening of April 6th a huge screen was erected on the Place de la Bastille ; as was one on the Place Bellecour in Lyon , the Place du Capitole in Toulouse and in tiny Aubagne too ( apparently Marseille did not want to pay the 180,000 Francs demanded for the relay , nor could they find anywhere sufficiently large or quiet ) .
5 Purchasers may buy clinical care but will not want to pay the extra costs attributable to research .
6 Freud thought that the masses were lazy , and did not want to impose the instinctual renunciations necessary for civilization on themselves .
7 ‘ In hard times people do not want to read the sex-and-shopping novels of the Eighties , ’ explained Kate Paterson , an editor with Century publishing .
8 ‘ We do not want to bypass the elected representatives , but they can not be allowed to hold up progress .
9 A species is a population of interbreeding individuals ; more precisely , because we do not want to regard the blue tits on the Isle of Wight as belonging to a different species to those on the mainland , a species is a group of actually or potentially interbreeding populations .
10 Sections required for teaching purposes do not need to meet the stringent requirements of those used for research , but they should be of good standard ; they are , after all , the primary material on which all geologists are trained .
11 The major conclusions are therefore that the market economy is a remarkably efficient way of creating wealth largely because it succeeds in utilising more information than alternative economic systems ; that for a market economy to work , the society of which it is part needs to believe in certain kinds of values : it must lay great store by individual responsibility and also have a non-egalitarian view of what constitutes social justice ; that the so called ‘ crisis ’ of capitalism results from a prevailing set of cultural values , typified by Freudianism and Marxism , which are contrary to those needed for the market economy to prosper , that humanism as a philosophy can not guarantee to generate the appropriate values , and that Christianity can provide such values and has indeed done so during the period of industrialisation throughout much of the Western world , but in consequence the kind of market economy which is then championed is different from that currently defined by the libertarian philosophy of Professor Friedman and Professor Hayek .
12 On a patch where the rough surface of brickwork was exposed , someone had vomited , probably a passing drunk whose sense of propriety , demanding privacy , had deterred him from being sick in the street ; or a returning resident who could not wait to climb the few steps to the communal toilet on the first half-landing .
13 Housewives simply do not expect to work the same hours in the home as they would in an office or factory .
14 She could not recognize , did not dare to recognize the grandiose ambitions whence her rage sprang ; it did not amuse her to sit in the Deux Magots , remembering that Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir had once sat there , nor did she wish to glimpse the exteriors of the houses of the famous dead .
15 He does sound like a Liberal , but I do not like to explore the murky recesses of the Chancellor 's mind .
16 But it could not begin to realize the grandiose schemes dreamed up in St Petersburg to establish schools , orphanages , hospitals , clinics , veterinary services , insurance funds , grain stores , and so forth .
17 While a great deal depends upon reform efforts outside the prison system ( and indeed these efforts are often located outside the criminal justice process ) , prison personnel do not have to play the passive roles in which they tend to be cast .
18 Melanie thought that at least Uncle Philip could have bought her a sewing machine , so she need not have to stitch the long seams by hand .
19 One thing is plain : they do not wish to return the nuclear arsenals to the Republic of Russia .
20 Writing to the archbishop of York after the Council , he told him he could send only the ‘ headings ’ ( the Capitula ) of the decrees because he did not wish to circulate the fuller texts until they had been approved by those who were present .
21 I do not wish to underestimate the genuine differences which exist between writers such as Hayek and Dworkin , and Rawls and Nozick .
22 Such a forecast would not attempt to predict the moment-to-moment changes that have led to the steady state .
23 I shall not attempt to distinguish the particular sources of individual ideas .
24 If you break a piece , replace it ; do not try to use the broken pieces or glue them together , the magnetic circuit properties will be affected .
25 Of course , no consultants are members of organisations such as NUPE and COHSE , so the hon. Gentleman should not try to run the two things together .
26 It was held that since the accused did not intend to return the particular banknotes , he had the intention permanently to deprive .
27 This section on English will take broadly the same shape ; I do not propose to discuss the theoretical debates in English ( such as those between structuralists and liberal humanists ) but to discuss instead the purpose of English : what the teachers of English think is the point of teaching it .
28 In fact , stockmarkets do not seem to penalise the defence-related companies most heavily dependent on defence contracts ; since the end of 1989 , shares in companies which get most of their business from the Pentagon have risen more than diversified firms ( chart 3 ) .
29 Despite these problems , and the fact that the particles in the supergravity theories did not seem to match the observed particles , most scientists believed that supergravity was probably the right answer to the problem of the unification of physics .
30 However , the joy and fulfilment which many had found in lesbian and gay relationships did not seem to fit the official pronouncements about sin !
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