Example sentences of "not [to-vb] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Divisional Court held that the effect of the clause was not to exclude liability for breach of the terms concerned with merchantability and fitness for purpose in s14 of the SGA 1979 .
2 He was responding at Commons question time after Labour urged the Chancellor not to increase tax on whisky in the Budget on 16 March .
3 It is a duty not to cause injury by want of reasonable care .
4 Only her determination not to betray weakness in front of fitzAlan had enabled her to grit her teeth and step into the seemingly bottomless pit .
5 Of course , it is required not to challenge whaling in principle as such .
6 It is also advisable not to leave handbags on view inside the vehicle . ’
7 Seriously though the best thing is not to put temptation in front of people and not leave expensive items such as cameras and tools in the vehicle .
8 At the time of writing , it seems that the intention is not to assess progress in relation to benchmarks through a blanket testing programme but through assessment by teachers akin to that in GCSE and Records of Achievement .
9 Jean Monnet announced his decision not to seek re-election as President of the High Authority .
10 Finally , the revenue has contended that the proper procedure was for Woolwich to seek to challenge its decision not to pay interest by way of judicial review , although it would of course contend that no order should be made on such a review in the present case .
11 Why , after all , did the Government ban cigarette advertising on TV and force the industry to agree not to place advertisements in sight of schools ?
12 Other abuses such as assaults tend not to take place in front of independent witnesses and proof will always be difficult .
13 In two days ' time ( 7th May ) , it would be the forty-fifth anniversary of the final German surrender in the Second World War though the cease-fire was not to take effect until midnight on 8th May .
14 The Franciscan friars of Reading found it necessary in 1234 to obtain from the king a letter ordering the warden of Windsor Forest not to exact cheminage in respect of the timber given them in the forest for their buildings at Reading .
15 Out of kindness to me , the army had allowed them to travel without permission from the Algerians , though we were under orders not to enter Niger without confirmation of clearance .
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