Example sentences of "not [adv] [been] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is therefore hardly surprising that Persian compositions have not only been reproduced in countless machine-made carpets in the West , but also emulated by most other rug-producing countries in the East .
2 The addition of the American mink to the British fauna has not exactly been met with jubilant welcome .
3 Skill in analysing and assessing problems and needs has not always been matched by sufficient , sufficiently varied , or sufficiently effective ways of responding .
4 However , the statistical picture remains somewhat unclear for two main reasons : the data have not always been analysed with sufficient attention to all the possible factors implicated in such over-representation ; there are insufficient provincial data to show how general are the London results .
5 This was the evidence which Marx and Engels required in order to show that society has not always been based on private property held by isolated nuclear families .
6 Criticism has not always been related to specific cases .
7 But the court has not always been held in breathless reverence .
8 However , while the theoretical analyses yield precise predictions , these have not always been found in empirical analysis .
9 There 's power in money , but it 's not often been utilised for good .
10 Early reports that the technically more complex distal splenorenal shunt might prevent this complication have not unfortunately been confirmed by subsequent experience .
11 A change of diagnosis was regarded as one in which manometry resulted in a diagnosis that had not previously been made by other investigations even if clinically suspected — for example a diagnosis of nutcracker oesophagus in a patient presenting with non-cardiac chest pain .
12 The entire field of syntactic analysis in sociolinguistics is characterized by diversity , and there are many important areas where agreement has not yet been reached on appropriate goals and methods .
13 This surplus is due to the fact that our grant was not available until the middle of the year and therefore our targets have not yet been reached in certain areas .
14 The cash figure in the balance sheet might include both capital and operating cash : if a debenture is issued but the resulting cash has not yet been invested in fixed assets , then the cash will perhaps be shown in the cash book — this is capital cash ; if profits were made in the current year , some of these profits might take the form of cash — this is operating cash .
15 In the early 1780s Viennese society had not yet been drained of financial resources by the long and debilitating war against the Turks , and every aristocrat of note supported some kind of musical establishment , offering a performer such as Mozart plenty of opportunity to give concerts and play at salons .
16 ( An exception to this is the dichotic monitoring technique developed by Geffen which was discussed in Chapter 4 but this has not yet been applied to large scale studies of left handers . )
17 Nevertheless they had not yet been superseded by new organizations capable of combining loyalty to the monarchy with the representation of the socially and economically powerful .
18 Na + dependent Cl - /HCO 3 - exchange is an important pH i regulatory mechanism in invertebrate cells and in mammalian mesenchymal cells but has not yet been described in gastrointestinal epithelia .
19 In this respect they are probably quite unlike the apes , who have not yet been subjected to evolutionary pressures for rapid acquisition of symbol systems .
20 Solowka is the old , flat-capped Northerner forever dreaming of ferrets and Ukrainian records ; Gregory is the quiet , slightly mysterious one ; Gedge is the older brother keeping a paternal watch over everybody ; Smith 's traits , apart from an unruly fringe , have not yet been distilled into comic book form .
21 Lying to the south-west of Worcester city , St Wulstan 's had not historically been used for mental health services .
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