Example sentences of "not [adv] [be] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the usual way the ratio will largely if not wholly be determined in advance of preparation of the firm 's accounts , though , if desired , to follow a modern practice of American origin , final determination of each partner 's share could be agreed to be deferred until after the year 's profits have been ascertained and the performance of each partner assessed in that context : in the interim , permitted drawings would be based on past performance .
2 Indeed , the politics of the last thirty years of the century can not properly be understood without reference to the wealth and ambition of the members of the king 's own family .
3 The seller delivered copra cake so contaminated with castor beans that it " could not properly be described as copra cake at all " .
4 Timothy O'Riordan , of the University of East Anglia , thinks sustainability might be accepted as the ‘ mediating term ’ between developers and environmentalists , although he leans to the view that it will eventually languish as a ‘ good idea ’ which can not sensibly be put into practice .
5 The new symbols NT , USE need not necessarily be transferred to library catalogues where traditional entries can still be made .
6 The first arises because at stage ( 2 ) delivery of the documents may not necessarily be matched by payment of the full price ; the agreement may have provided for payment by instalments and the seller will then retain a lien on the shares as an unpaid seller .
7 Some departments offer opportunities for supervised study that need not necessarily be undertaken as study for a degree or other qualification .
8 ‘ He said the rent would not necessarily be raised in future after stating that it would be index-linked and he also wants to stage concerts and fetes at the ground in the close season when we would need to work on the pitch . ’
9 The apparent extension of the effects of the collision of the Indian and Eurasian Plates to much of central and eastern Asia , and possibly as far as the Baikal Rift ( Fig. 3.21 ) , in fact indicates that the consequences of plate interaction need not necessarily be confined to plate margins .
10 With the Rothschild report on the coal industry still gaining currency with its prospect of just 12–14 deep pits , Heseltine will not necessarily be toasted throughout industry .
11 However , failure to limit fertility should not necessarily be interpreted as fatalism .
12 New Forum tried to take the Politburo up on its offer to talk , and again demanded legal status so that it would not constantly be accused of subversion .
13 The principal problem in reconstructing clothing from this evidence is that the range of dress-fastenings need not only be dictated by dress ; social identity and/or display may enter here .
14 In doing so they will not only be dealing with grief and loss , but also rethinking their own daily living arrangements .
15 Social psychoanalysis , by contrast , takes the view that contemporary character should not merely be explained by reference to contemporary culture and childrearing , but that in any society contemporary childrearing and culture are the consequences of historical changes and that the contemporary individual recapitulates the cultural past and therefore , by a sort of reverse neoteny , experiences in his childhood the traumas and stages of ego- and superego-development which occurred in the adult lives of his ancestors .
16 Thus , the Scottish Law Commission in para 5:23 of their Memorandum 25 , observed that s62(4) : … is of importance since the introduction of the rule that property in sale might pass without delivery would otherwise have been possible by resort to transactions in the form of sale to circumvent the rule that a security over moveables may not generally be constituted without transfer to them .
17 New research into the underlying duodenal mucosal defect is required and since the basic science of duodenal ulcer can not easily be studied in man , an animal model of chronic duodenal ulcer is required .
18 Another problem arose in 1916 , which can not easily be explained without reference to the proposed ‘ Home Rule ’ in Ireland that had developed under the government of Asquith which introduced the Home Rule Act 1914 .
19 Secondly , different countries have different needs and tastes which can not easily be taken into account in making comparisons .
20 While the regional value of whisky exports can not easily be gauged with accuracy in view of the complex nature of the industry it is interesting nevertheless to attempt an assessment of its impact .
21 Once the vegetational cover of the hard schists was destroyed they could not easily be restored to cultivation .
22 We will not easily be put off course but if we are we can use the kayak tilt or rudder to maintain the line without needing the paddle to steer .
23 In the presence of perfect capital markets and suitably inclusive definitions , wealth would simply be the discounted present value of all future income streams ( i.e. including those that might not easily be measured in money terms ) .
24 More specifically , the model of responsible party government carried within itself the view that the electorate would not just be informed about politics but would vote for the party which has a programme of policies in accord with their own view as to how things should be .
25 It is generally agreed that making a bad decision ( for which the remedy is an appeal ) will not normally be treated as ground for dismissal of a Circuit judge as showing ‘ inability or misbehaviour ’ .
26 A power of sale under a general lien should not normally be exercised without recourse to legal advice .
27 The received waves are called radar echoes and they can carry the various categories of information that can be borne by any em wave , as outlined in section 3.1.2 , though planetary temperatures can not normally be extracted by radar .
28 There are several techniques that might be used in international marketing research that would not normally be used for research into ‘ domestic ’ markets .
29 Yet ironically , recent government policies have created a situation where more and more prisoners serving life and other long sentences have rather less to lose , for it has now been decreed that various categories of serious offender will not normally be considered for parole , or not considered for a very long time ( see Chapter 6 ) .
30 2.3.3 Rule 37.3 ( relationship with takeover offers ) and Rule 37.4 A company will not normally be allowed to buy-in or redeem its shares during the offer period if its board has reason to believe that a takeover offer for the company is imminent , except pursuant to a pre-existing contract ( Rule 21 ) .
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