Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Do not necessarily give the job to the most highly qualified candidate .
2 Occasionally we may be able to identify a palm , fig , or olive tree , but even this is not enough to limit the location to a particular ecological zone ; oak trees , for instance , can be found from 680 metres down to sea-level .
3 Phil Bellto , 46 , not only reads the post to the blind former civil servant , but even takes her washing around to the launderette .
4 They had not only forfeited the right to a political vote .
5 These scents not only communicate the alarm to the rest of the herd but may also produce an aerial trail which other impala can follow without having to break their flight to sniff the ground .
6 The Convention not only transferred the Crown to William and Mary , but also laid down certain terms for the new rulers in the document known as the Declaration of Rights , and if the offer of the Crown was not strictly speaking conditional upon William and Mary 's acceptance of these terms , it was clear that everyone expected that they were to abide by them .
7 Indeed , it would certainly fall out were it not for the fact that the bird has not only glued the nest to the leaf , but the egg to the nest .
8 The contents list not only directs the reader to the page where he can obtain specific information , but also gives a quick survey of the structure and form of the report .
9 We have received no convincing answers either from UKOOA or the Government as to the procedure that needs to be observed to ensure that offshore workers not only enjoy the right to be trade union members but can have their trade unions recognised by their employers .
10 At issue is the FBI 's ability to wiretap in future … the FBI is not only asking the industry to dumb down existing software , it wants to prohibit it from developing new technologies that might interfere with the government 's ability to intercept various oral and electronic communications . ’
11 The nominee of the more reformist social democratic faction , Georgi Pirinski , not only lost the leadership to Videnov ( who received 428 votes out of 608 on the second round after Lilov had withdrawn in his favour ) but failed to gain a seat on the supreme council , as did former Prime Minister Andrei Lukanov .
12 Dimension does not merely mean the space to be filled .
13 Brunnson therefore does an excellent job of distinguishing between the formulation and implementation of ideologies , helping us to begin to see how corporate rational analysis and the organizational perspectives may fit together , but his thesis does not sufficiently recognize the degree to which both rationality and negotiation may still underlie the establishment of his ideologies .
14 The loan exhibition of eighteenth-century European ceramics from the Bowes Museum will allow many who have not already made the trek to Barnard Castle a fascinating glimpse of this major collection of Continental ceramics assembled by Josephine Bowes , beginning in 1860 , with the idea in mind of creating a public collection ( opened 1892 , unfortunately after her and her husband 's death ) .
15 However , the reckless , well-bred show of bravado did not exactly endear the utterer to two other boys of like age .
16 Nurses can help , within the constraints of the type of chairs provided , by ‘ matching ’ the chair to the patient , not just helping the patient to any chair .
17 You should not just abandon the site to nature , these areas have very specific needs . ’
18 As the Wasp Junior is supercharged you do not just push the lever to the stop for fear of bursting it , so I relied on Tony to limit the movement of my left hand , revelling in the swelling thunder of the fifteen-litre engine and the surging acceleration as the nose reared under its power .
19 However , publication of the information will not always bring the obligation to an end .
20 do not always give the job to the best of a bad bunch , but investigate where the recruiting methods and job specification may have gone wrong and start again ;
21 Culdub Oakapple opened his mouth to say that acclaim was all very well in its way , but they had been hoping for something a bit more financial than that , but the two Gnomes on each side of him trod on his foot to stop him , because you could not always trust the Oakapple to be tactful .
22 There is not , of course total disagreement , but contradictory positions are present , even if they do not radically affect the priority to be given to economic growth .
23 Some , like this , are provincial , but there is a beautiful head from Athens ( where there is also a parallel in vase-painting , below p. 79 ) , and one can not really apply the word to the masterpiece in this manner , the ‘ Ludovisi Throne ’ ( fig. 83 ) , though one can fairly say that it is outside the main stream .
24 But lending institutions would be well advised to make a recommendation in writing to any surety ( who falls within the ‘ protected ’ class ) to take independent legal advice before signing a security ; this should accompany the security document when it is sent for signature ( a lender should not simply entrust the security to the debtor to obtain the surety 's signature ) .
25 She had not yet broken the news to her youngest daughter .
26 But the fact of the matter is , he wrote , that none of it is right , or rather , that what has so far been accomplished is wrong and what has not yet been accomplished is only right because it has not yet had the chance to be proved wrong .
27 If we do not yet have the solution to the problem of consciousness , we are at least working towards it within the right framework .
28 After all , he does not actually seek the result to which the polls have been pointing since the election campaign began .
29 If this reasoning is applied generally then in almost every case the local authority , not actually owning the land to be benefited by the restriction , will not be injured by modification or discharge .
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