Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The disparities between rich and poor were becoming greater and they were not successfully justified in the official media .
2 If they are not successfully concluded in the next few months a major objective of the single market will not have been achieved : far from becoming more internationally efficient and competitive , EC industry will fall further behind in a world of growing protectionism and trade blocs .
3 But M3 was not successfully targeted in the early Thatcher years .
4 The claim that a class may or may not allow itself to be exploited is another case of Poulantzas ' belief that the course of the class struggle is not altogether determined by the structural constraints of a particular phase of capitalism .
5 As they stumbled down the stairs , Larsen 's heart was full and his watering eyes were not wholly caused by the thickening clouds of stinging smoke billowing up from below .
6 If the meaning of an utterance does not wholly reside in the semantic meaning , and if people can mean quite different things with the same words , how do human beings interpret — usually quite accurately — what is meant from what is said ?
7 More generally , although civil contempt is not properly regarded as a criminal offence .
8 But in Spain the climbing clubs are not properly integrated into the civil protection unit , and their assistance can only be expected at weekends .
9 Other issues were that the potential of the day hospital was not being fully exploited and that the mental health centres were evidently not properly integrated with the general hospital unit .
10 Some concerns the basic methodological pitfalls surrounding any project of this kind — the lack of proper controls , over-readiness to read richer interpretations into bits of behaviour than a more rigorous viewpoint would endorse , even experimenters ' proneness , given their wishful thinking , to be manipulated by their hairy charges into taking up certain attitudes not properly grounded in the available evidence .
11 The learning that is characteristic of higher education is not all of a piece ; some of it is not properly described by the limited concept of learning .
12 MR Lamont is not widely regarded as a great Chancellor .
13 ‘ although the term Information Management is becoming more frequently used it 's definition is not widely understood as the effective production , storage , retrieval and dissemination of information in any form .
14 This hypothesis is not widely accepted as the clinical evidence generally is not supportive .
15 Challenged by disabled people as disregarding the physical and social environment , and still not widely known within the medical profession , the triad does emphasise important issues and is useful in the education of professionals and as an adjunct to practice .
16 Biogas produced in this way is not widely used as an alternative energy source in the developed world , but is now widely used in China where several million small-scale digesters have been constructed to produce fuel for cooking and lighting at a local level .
17 The term ‘ mass media ’ itself was not widely used until the 1960s .
18 The increase was not uniformly distributed over the whole country ; the population grew most rapidly in the North and West , especially where coal and iron were to be found , and supplied a convenient labour force for the manufacturing industries .
19 Westward of the Duomo across the Piazza del Duomo , one of the finest sweeps of paved pedestrian walkway in Europe and , thankfully , not badly scarred by the two entrances to the new Metro Line 3 , is a monument to Vittorio Emanuele II , a bronze equestrian statue by Ercole Rosa dating from 1896 .
20 Within the Main Library , all consultations had to be recorded by signature of the declaration form at the front of each thesis , but this was not rigorously enforced in the departmental libraries , largely due to staff shortages which precluded adequate supervision .
21 Provided the springboard doctrine is sensibly applied and injunctions granted only in the clearest of cases so that the recipient of the information is not effectively placed in a worse position than if he had not received it , the interests of both the supplier of the information and the recipient can be satisfied .
22 Except in those cases where contracts are population-based , which is not apparently envisaged in the new proposals , providers will have a responsibility only to the patients they treat and will have no responsibility for any particular population .
23 They were not all written at the same time , or in that order : I had to keep struggling to write my own work as Dana 's poetic demands became more and more insistent .
24 The fact that human beings have quite a variation of abilities and shortcomings attests to the fact that we are not all twisted in the same areas .
25 Oh let's not all talk at the same time !
26 The main hypothesis is that some CSPs are socially differentiated in that they are not all used by every social group , and that people are more aware of these CSPs than of others .
27 The experiences of former generations are inherited in the id , they are not all learned through the cultural transmission processes with which social scientists are familiar — through education and religious teachings , for example .
28 But the changes have not all happened in the past decade .
29 Even those assets whose supply is controlled by the authorities are not all held by the controlled institutions .
30 It is possible that this surface , which is not entirely obliterated in the intercrater plains , predates almost all the craters on Mercury .
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