Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In past centuries , when few statutes were enacted , common law constituted the main body of English law ; today , it has been largely but not wholly displaced by statute law .
2 Keyword DEVICE not properly defined in Configuration File
3 Keyword DIRECTORY not properly defined in Configuration File
4 Keyword UIC not properly defined in configuration file
5 Keyword not properly defined in configuration file
6 Keyword not properly defined in configuration file .
7 Keyword not properly defined in configuration file .
8 This did not evoke much response from the audience , because The Times was not widely read by university students .
9 The point 's that I think is trying to be made is that there are a lot of people here tonight who do wish to express an opinion and that opinion is not necessarily formulated in question form .
10 Support does not necessarily result in employment creation .
11 The agenda of interstate relations is increasingly complex and is not necessarily dominated by security issues .
12 Tax is not necessarily paid on fringe benefits , indeed many qualify for tax relief .
13 This is a poll which does not necessarily take into account diligence , ability to pass on knowledge and devotion , as the one with the highest number of votes wins .
14 This experiment is interesting in highlighting how the subjective experience of sleepiness is not necessarily reflected in performance measures , and more importantly in demonstrating some permanent change in the sleep patterns of the group of six " normal " sleepers .
15 Political upheaval and war are not necessarily associated with curriculum change ; and even when they are , change seems habitually to be followed by a reversion to the status quo ante , a tendency to equate change with relabelling , a reassertion of institutional inertia .
16 It is not enough to rely on vitamin pills and hope for the best .
17 Legal proceedings were opened against various mayors including the reformist mayor of Dresden , Wolfgang Berghofer , although Berghofer himself was not personally suspected of election manipulation ( in May he went to work for the office planning and construction company Häussler in Stuttgart ) .
18 Work that not only calls for construction skills but also presents opportunities for BICC to supply power , telecommunications and control cable systems — another major part of our worldwide business operation .
19 He not only saw off no-confidence motions , but won the Congress round to supporting direct elections for an executive presidency .
20 Specifically , this means not only taking into account man 's obvious close evolutionary ties with the chimpanzee and gorilla , but also his rather less obvious resemblance to another primate , the gelada baboon .
21 MacLauchlan not only recorded with precision details of many ancient monuments , some of which have since been destroyed , but also provided accompanying texts based on his sound observations .
22 POU family proteins may not only function as transcription factors .
23 At an individual or party level discourses not only mediate between material conditions and their interpretation but can organise experience itself .
24 Workers who can be exposed to excessively cold weather conditions have not only to know about survival measures during over-exposure , but be able and willing to carry them out .
25 These three principles are not only suited to adult learners but they have been readily adopted in the primary school , and the following are suggestions for practising cognitive principles in the classroom with younger children : ( a ) Give experience of the language they are learning — teach them rhymes , tell them stories , talk to them .
26 Systematists need not only to communicate with nature conservationists but also to appraise them .
27 Juan Bosch Gaviño , 82 , on March 15 told the Dominican Liberation Party ( PLD ) , which he had formed in 1973 after breaking from the Dominican Revolutionary Party ( PRD ) , that he had decided not only to resign as party leader but also to withdraw his party membership , because of the bitter fighting between the right and left wings of the party .
28 It should be added that cultural formations are not only conditioned by class position , central though that is ; age , gender , ethnicity and nationality are also important .
29 This not only interfered with control room instruments but disabled two back-up systems and knocked out the computer which normally logs all changes in operations .
30 He pointed to the necessity of a reciprocal relationship , one that had ultimately to be beneficial to all participants , and not merely based upon value money exchanges but one that entailed an exchange of real use-values .
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